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"So you figured you'd what, interrogate them on their home field to see if they had someone you haven't seen in years locked in their basement or knew who did?" His voice rose from the low bass that made her clit tingle with every syllable to a gruff, gravelly rumble that pressed a whole different set of buttons.

Her cheeks flamed. When he put it that way, her plan sounded pretty fucking stupid. "Not exactly."

A left turn and the neighborhood began to look familiar. It wasn't her area, but she'd be able to catch a cab to her place and Mr. Bossy could go suck it.

He sighed as he played the drums with his thumb on the wheel. "Look, I'll talk to some people tomorrow."

Hope bloomed in her chest. "The cops?"


Okay. There were other options. "The MacKenzies?"


It didn't sound like a total blow-off, but it didn't sound like her kind of help either. "Who?"

"You don't need to bother with that."

Fuck this shit. So tonight hadn't gone as she'd hoped. That didn't mean she was out of options. She would find Gidget. "Because I'm just the poor little rich girl who can't possibly help unless it involves writing a check?"

"You said it, not me."

She'd been wrong. He was a total asshole. "Screw you."

His full lips curled into a smirk that could have gotten her pregnant if she hadn't been so pissed off. "Trust me, if we'd stayed at Bisu another five minutes, you would have been screwing me."

He stopped the car in front of a large building she knew well. The large sign in red loomed over the entrance: Devil's Dip Gym.

"Why are we here?" she asked.

He turned in his seat to face her, all domineering jerk mixed with enough sex appeal to make her momentarily forget that first part. "Because I'm not done with you tonight."

The need she thought she had under control slammed into her, stealing her breath and turning her nipples to painful points even as her brain sent out the Oh-Girl-No SOS.


Bianca didn't know if she should be glad or pissed off that Taz didn't say another word to her as he pulled his Porsche into the garage that took up the right third of the Devil's Dip Gym building. If he said one thing, she might have been driven to kiss the words right out of his mouth. God, what was wrong with her? She hadn't wanted someone this bad despite obvious Run-Away-Girl warning signs blaring in her head in...oh...ever.

He pulled the car into a spot next to a motorcycle that looked anything but decorative with its badass chrome, leather, and custom red paint job with a devil tail curling around the gas pipe. A Texas-appropriate black extended cab truck was parked on the other side.

"We're going upstairs." He got out without making eye contact, slamming the door with a swift flick of his wrist.

Okay, that was it. The man might be sex on a stick dressed in a tuxedo, but he was a giant fucking prick. She was ready for him when he opened her door and held out his hand to help her.

"I've had just about enough of your alpha-hole attitude." Despite her words, the manners she'd had drilled into her from a young age kicked in and she took his hand so he could help her out of the low-slung sports car.

The moment she touched him, everything shifted. An electric pulse of sexual awareness zipped through her, overtaking everything else. Without taking the time to consider, she drew his hand to her breast as she got out of the car. His heat, his rough touch as he cupped her through the silk dress, had her biting her bottom lip to keep from moaning out loud and begging for more.

"Don't be quiet on my account, Kitten. I want to hear you." He squeezed her breast, firm and totally in command, then rolled her attention-starved nipple between his thumb and forefinger. "You're so hot. The first time you walked into my gym, I wanted you. Do you know how many times I've jerked off thinking about you?"

Her mouth went dry at the mental image of him with his cock in his hand thinking about her. Forget that. She wanted—needed—to see it. "Show me."

Something dark and dangerous flickered in his green-eyed gaze. "What do you want to see?"

"You stroking that big dick of yours I've been feeling pressed against me all night." Just saying the words out loud had her pressing her thighs together in a failed attempt to ease the ache building between her legs.

He didn't hesitate. He took two steps back, unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them with the speed of a man who'd gone past the point of no return eons ago. They clung to his lean hips as he pulled his cock out of the slit in his boxer shorts.
