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“What’s going on?”

“Who’s that man?”

“Should someone call 9-1-1?”

Addison raced forward. “Daddy?”

Pat held up a hand and approached Rhett. “Everyone just give him some space.” He calmly took his pulse and asked several questions. Then he suggested he take a seat on the steps.

A hoard of McCulloughs and in-laws gathered on the porch, nosily waiting for Pat’s verdict.

Skylar worried her hands and Addison came to her side. “What’s wrong with Daddy?”

“I’m sure he’s fine. Patrick’s a doctor. He’s just checking him out.”

Despite the reassurance in her voice, Skylar felt anything but comforted, so she pulled Addison into her harms for support.

Pat removed a doctor’s bag from his car and instructed Rhett to open his coat and shirt. Then he started attaching wires to Rhett’s chest that plugged directly into his phone.

“What is that?” Skylar asked, worried.

“A mobile EKG that reads through an app on my phone.” He looked at the screen. “Try to relax, Rhett.”

A few minutes later, Pat disconnected the wires and put his phone away. “Your heart rhythm appears normal and your vitals seem fine. No elevated blood pressure and your chest sounds good. I think you’re safe,” Pat finally said. “Chances are you just had a mild panic attack.”

The family slowly disbursed, and Aunt Sammy took Addison back inside with Michael. Skylar listened as Pat explained the differences between an actual heart attack and a panic attack.

Rhett appeared instantly relieved and Skylar felt the same. “Thank you, Patrick.”

“Any time. Call me if any symptoms return.” Pat handed him a business card and packed up his bag.

Once they were alone again, she looked at Rhett. “Well, that’ll make a girl think twice about her words. First time I tell a man I love him, it nearly kills him. Just one more tick in the old self-esteem column.”

Still sitting on the step, he looked up at her with his collar open and laughed. “It’s not you—believe me.”

“Then why do you think you reacted like that?”

He glanced away and the energy around him chilled. “No one’s ever said those words to me before.”

Startled by his confession, she said, “That can’t be true.”

“Unfortunately, it is. I didn’t grow up with a family, Skylar. It’s always just been me watching other families. So, when you ask why I have a hard time expressing myself, it’s because I’ve never had to. Those words aren’t easy for me. I’ve never heard them and I’ve never said them.” He held her stare. “But I feel them.”

She sat beside him on the step. “You do?”

“Yes. First time I held Addison, I knew it could only be love. And then you came along, and I felt something similar, but different. It’s…hotter and sharper.”

She smiled. “Passionate.”


Hooking her arm around his, she rested her head on his shoulder and let his nearness soothe her. “Rhett, I can’t come back to work for you.”

He drew back so he could see her. “Why?”

“Because I’m opening my own preschool after the New Year. I think you should enroll Addison.”

“Here in Jasper Falls?”

“Of course. Where else would I go? I’m in love with the mayor.”

He laughed. “I like how that sounds. Love.”

She grinned up at him. “I love you.”

He held her stare and nervousness danced in his eyes. “I love you, too, Skylar. I’m sorry it took me some time to put a name to it, but now that I have, there’s no denying the feelings in my heart. I feel like I’ve waited a lifetime to find you. You’re so special to me, I was terrified I’d do or say the wrong thing and lose you. I almost did.”

“I don’t have all the answers, Rhett. I think it’s normal to be nervous when you feel so much for someone. It shows how much we care.”

He pressed a kiss to her hair and smiled. “I like saying it. I love you.”

He had no idea how much she loved hearing those words. “Over the past week I’ve done a lot of thinking. As much as I appreciate the words of affirmation, I realized you show your love in other ways, too, and that’s okay.” Her lips brushed his. “I’ve missed you.”


She pressed her lips to his and kissed him slowly. The tattered edges of her heart seemed to sew back together. “Merry Christmas.”

He cleared his throat and something uncertain flashed in his eyes. “I’m still learning how all this Christmas stuff works. I might have bought you something a little extreme for Christmas.”

“I hope it’s a dejected chinchilla from China.”

“Close. It’s a diamond.”

Her head drew back and legs went numb. “No, you didn’t.”

He reached into his jacket and removed a small velvet box. “Is now a good time to discuss your plans for the New Year?”

That was not the box of a necklace. “Rhett…”

“I know it’s fast. And I literally bought it knowing that you would likely say no. But I need to explain something to you, Skylar.”
