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She could understand that.

“Skylar, I’m more than obsessed with you. I’m addicted to your presence. When you’re around, I feel centered and balanced. I hang on your every word and find you one of the most captivating women I’ve ever met. And then I see the way you are with my daughter and my heart actually aches, physically hurts because it’s never known such contentment. You make me feel full and right. And when you’re not there…I feel empty. I don’t want to spend another day without you.”

She exhaled, utterly speechless. No one had ever said such sweet words to her. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. But please don’t tell me no. At least think on it. I can wait as long as it takes. Wear the ring or don’t. I’ve waited a lifetime to find you, I can wait another to make you fully mine. But I can’t walk away from us.”

Was it crazy that she was actually considering telling him yes? Like, without a doubt in her heart, fully invested, do a cartwheel in the front yard, plan the big wedding and go for the happily-ever-after storybook life in the cute little town with all of her crazy relatives buried deep in their business, yes?

“You do know I come with a hundred crazy Irish relatives and a bunch of Italian nut jobs. I mean, my grandfather’s basically your nemesis.”

He smiled. “Vincenzo and I have recently come to an understanding.”

She frowned. “How?”

“Let’s just say I lobbied for his vote and pulled a few strings.”

She thought of what he could have possibly used for leverage. “The parking space?”

He laughed and quickly explained, “Your grandfather’s a very intimidating man, and I’d already been beaten up once this week!”

“Well, it’s good to know what I’m worth.”

He nudged her with his shoulder and teased. “It’s on Main Street.”

She nestled close to him, stealing a bit of his body warmth. “Can I see the ring?”

His eyes turned serious and he studied her for a long moment. It was her last chance to think without partiality or foolish romantical whims influencing her decision.

Did she want to marry Rhett?

She loved him and didn’t want to spend another day without him. No one had ever made her feel the things he made her feel. Could it really be this simple?

He lowered to one knee and popped open the lid, revealing a stunning princess cut diamond ring. Oh yeah, it was that simple.

“I love you, Skylar. I’ve never willingly entrusted my heart to another person the way I’ve entrusted it to you. Will you marry me?”

Her jaw unhinged. “I can’t believe this.”

Twenty minutes ago, she’d been worried for his life, and now he was asking her to tie her life to his. Forever.

“Is that a yes?”

It didn’t matter that others wouldn’t understand her haste. She’d never wanted another person as deeply as she wanted him. “Yes, it’s a yes!”

She kissed him, nearly knocking him to the ground. He caught her weight in his strong arms and rose to his feet, hugging her tight.

He slipped the ring onto her trembling finger, and she admired it through the tears in her eyes. “It’s so pretty.”

“So are you, my future wife.”

“Oh, my God, I’m going to be a wife—wife of the mayor! First wife! First lady? What’s my title?”

He chuckled. “I believe it’s mayoress.”

“So, fancy!” And Addison! Addison would be her step-daughter! This was the best Christmas ever! “We have to celebrate!”

Eyes hungry, he tucked a hair behind her ear and softly kissed her neck. “We can celebrate tonight—when you come home.”

Home. Their home.

She smiled at him, a thousand dark promises passing between their eyes. She cuddled closer, looping her arms around his neck and dragging her lips along the hard edge of his jaw. “I’ve missed sleeping in your bed.”

He groaned then nipped her ear. “We won’t be sleeping.”

Her body softened. She didn’t want to wait. She wanted the future to start right now. “Promise me something,” she whispered, brushing her lips softly over his.


“When we’re old, promise you’ll cuddle on the couch with me, and we’ll slow dance in the kitchen for no special reason except that you love me.”

He smiled. “We don’t have to wait for those things.” He hugged her close and pressed a kiss to her temple. “I’ve waited a lifetime to find you. Let’s not waste another minute waiting to show our love.”

For a man who struggled to vocalize his feelings, he sure had no issue being romantic now that the gates were open. “I love you, Rhett.”

Pure sincerity showed in his eyes. “I love you, too, Skylar. I’m not sure there’s a limit to what I would do for you.”

She laughed. “Good. Then you can break the news to my family.”


One Day until Thanksgiving

* * *

“Don’t forget your folders!”
