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The kids emptied their cubbies and buttoned their coats. “Miss Skylar, can you help me?”

Skylar crouched down to help Samuel fix his zipper then righted his turkey hat. Gran handled the other students.

“Michael, take your finger out of your nose before you hit brain. And Ciera, stop chewing on your hair. Lennon, hold Aiden’s hand. Addison, are you coming with us or going home with your mother?”

“I wanna go with my cousins.”

“Then let’s go. Coats on.” Like a small battalion, Gran’s little pre-K soldiers fell into line.

Skylar smiled at the beautiful chaos.

After Christmas, her grandmother announced that she was retiring as the family’s free childcare provider. Gran told the family that if they wanted her services, they could find her at the new pre-K class, where she would be assisting as a volunteer. That left their family desperate for coverage, and by January first, Skylar’s roster was full.

Almost a year later, and things were going better than great. She was finishing her degree, happily married, and Rhett had won the recent election. It wouldn’t be long before he was running for a larger office, like state representative.

Once the kids cleared out, the classroom was blissfully silent. Skylar wiped down the tables and straightened up the bins. By four o’clock, all the work stations were tidy and she was ready to go home.

She left the rec center and walked to Town Hall, smiling at the first signs of Christmas approaching. Holly wreaths and twinkle lights were already showing on some front doors, and storefront windows were switching over their holiday displays for the shopping rush that would begin that weekend.

The door to the hardware store opened and a woman rushed out, nearly colliding with Skylar on the walkway. “Oh, sorry—” Her words cut off as she recognized the familiar scowl. “Erin.”

The woman glared at her as if she were a bug in her morning coffee. She didn’t bother with a greeting, but scoffed. That huffy little breath said everything about her feelings toward Skylar.

Skylar pitied her.

She had said it a year ago as a nasty threat, but her premonition had come true. Looking at Erin now, noting the creases around her eyes and the brittle energy surrounding her so tightly it kept others at bay, Skylar sensed this woman’s misery stemmed from something lonesome and broken inside.

Sympathy crowded Skylar’s heart, pushing away any lingering resentment. “Happy Thanksgiving, Erin. I hope you have a nice weekend with family and friends.”

A cold look stole over the other woman’s eyes as if Skylar’s well wishes somehow offended her.

Did she have family? Skylar didn’t know. If things hadn’t ended so badly, she might have welcomed the woman to their table, but Erin made that impossible.

When Rhett fired her, she’d screamed and lied, and accused Skylar of things that simply weren’t true. Rhett refused to forgive such a betrayal from someone he’d trusted. But Skylar wasn’t so severe.

Erin pushed past her and Skylar caught her arm. She didn’t flinch when her glare cut through her. “Erin, I know we didn’t have a great start, but if you ever need a friend, you know where to find me.”

She yanked her arm away. “We’re not friends.”

“We could be.”

Something trembled in her gaze, then any sign of vulnerability was shut away behind another glare. “I don’t need your charity.”

Skylar watched as she stormed off, wondering what could make a woman so cold. She believed there was a story there and she hoped, one day, Erin might find the right person to listen to her story and possibly heal some of the pain that made her that way.

Closing her coat against the November wind, she continued to walk toward Town Hall. The liaisons and office staff were used to her coming by at the end of each school day. If she didn’t collect her husband, he’d lose track of time and wind up working late.

He was always thinking of new ways to improve their town, and he did his best to meet everyone’s needs. Skylar made it her job to see that he met his own. She helped.

“Hey, Mrs. Buchanan,” the new PA greeted with a friendly smile as she entered the office.

“Hi, Jason. How is he today?”

“Stressed, as usual, but I think he’ll make it. By the way, another gift basket came for you guys. Should I send it to the house?”

“Yes, thank you.” She had no idea that so many people spoiled the mayor rotten, each one trying to influence his decision on one matter or another. She was amazed that he remained diplomatic in most of his decisions—except for that one incident with that unwarranted parking space.

She admired the gift basket, spotting one of her favorite gourmet jams and some expensive cheeses. No wonder he liked the job. “And Jason, please help yourself to anything inside.”

She tapped on her husband’s office door. “Knock-knock.”
