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"I said happy, not hungry, Aunt Gertie," Samantha explained over the strains of violin music, simultaneously gifting the notorious Lady Jersey with an apologetic smile.

The influential matron wavered for a moment, then relented beneath Sammy's innocent charm. With a curt nod of acceptance, she moved off.

"I'm glad, dear." Gertrude absently patted Sammy's arm. "For it appears you shan't have time to eat, anyway." Pointedly, she rolled her eyes in the direction of the dance floor, where three eager gentlemen were crossing toward them, their delighted gazes glued to Samantha. "Your first ball promises to be a great success!"

"If I can remember how to dance," Sammy muttered under her breath.

Evidently, she did, because the next few hours were spent breathlessly whirling about the room, her attention vied for by the affluent Marquess of Katerly, the persuasive Earl of Tadum, and the charmingly handsome Viscount Anders. It seemed she only just returned to her aunt's side after each dance when she was claimed for yet another.

Samantha's first ball was an unequivocal and overwhelming success.

Samantha, on the other hand, was thoroughly miserable.

Where was he? she wondered, anxiously peering over Lord Anders's shoulder. Why hadn't he arrived?

Anders winced as Sammy trod upon his foot.

"I'm dreadfully sorry, my lord," she apologized instantly. "I'm afraid the minuet is the dance at which I'm the clumsiest."

"Nonsense." The viscount's smile was gently reassuring. "You're a splendid dancer. You merely missed a step, 'tis all."

"You're very kind, sir."

"And you're very beautiful, if I might be so bold as to say."

Samantha lowered her lashes, wondering how to respond to such overt flattery.

"Now it's my turn to apologize," Anders murmured over the delicate strains of the strings. "I fear I've embarrassed you. That was not my intent. But you are extraordinarily lovely. Tell me, when was your presentation at court? I don't recall hearing any news of it... or of the ball that followed in your honor."

"That's because there was no ball. As for my court presentation, it was far less dramatic than originally planned, due to the timing." Seeing Anders's questioning look, Sammy smiled. "My brother's wife is on the verge of making a presentation of her own. She is about to gift Drake with the birth of their second child. Hence, neither she nor Drake are in London this Season, and therefore could not host the lavish party they'd initially intended in honor of my coming out. Instead, Drake brought me to St. James's Palace for a private audience, then placed me in Aunt Gertrude's capable hands for the Season's festivities."

"Then tonight is your first official ball?" Anders asked delightedly.

"Indeed it is."

"How fortunate! Then I've not missed any previous opportunities to dance with you."

"No, my lord, you haven't. Although, considering the damage I've just done to your foot, I shouldn't think you'd want—" Sammy's breath lodged in her throat, cutting off the remainder of her reply. Mesmerized, she stared, her gaze riveted on the ballroom entranceway ... and its occupant.

She recognized him long before the attendant announced his name.

Clad in elegant dark evening clothes, his crisp white cravat impeccably tied, Remington assessed Almack's with the same bold appraisal as he had Boydry's.

Sammy began to tremble.

"Are you fatigued, my lady?" Anders asked, concern knitting his brows.

"What? Oh, yes, I suppose I am. I'm unused to so much excitement. It is my first ball." Sammy wondered if she were babbling.

"Of course. I'll return you to your aunt at once."

"Thank you, yes. I mean ... that would be best. That is... perhaps if I rested a bit..." Now she knew she was babbling.

Safely restored to Aunt Gertie's side, Sammy berated herself for acting such a ninny. She'd expected Remington to attend ... prayed he would do so. Now he was here and she was behaving like a lovesick schoolgirl.

Samantha helped herself to a glass of punch from a passing tray. That's because I am a lovesick schoolgirl, she mourned, gulping down her drink. Steeling herself, she placed the empty glass on another tray. Remember: act sophisticated. Adult. Worldly.

"Hello, imp."
