Page 40 of A Deal with Demakis

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She heard the sound of the zipper of his jeans, of a condom being ripped, felt the shudder that went through him as he sheathed himself.

And then he was pushing inside her with a guttural sound that seemed to have been ripped from him. She clawed her hands into his shoulders, pleasure and pain coalescing inside her, the walls of her wet sex clamping him tight.

She threw her head back and a long whimper escaped her. His breath stilled, a long shudder racking his powerful body.

“More, agape mou?”

How he was able to utter a single word, Lexi had no idea. “Yes,” she whispered, her throat raw, her body aching for more.

He pushed in a little more, stretching her, making her achy and hot all over. He was big and she was tiny, and the most decadent pleasure pulsed through her sex.

He did something with his hips that sent a pulse of pleasure sputtering through her. And then, he was deep inside her—hot and throbbing. And it felt painfully good, intensely erotic.

She opened her eyes and caught him studying her, stark desire and something that was entirely Nikos.

His features stripped of all control, his breathing shaky, he was the most gorgeous sight she had ever seen. Every bone and muscle locked tight, his gaze devoured her. “You’re so tight, Lexi.”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and Lexi braced herself against the reverent touch. A frown rippled over his face, his shoulders hard knots under her fingers.

“I’m afraid to move.”

She was hot, and tingly and possessed, and she never wanted to stop feeling like that. “I can’t bear it if you don’t, Nikos.” She moved her hips and gasped at how deep he was embedded, at how mind-numbingly good it felt.

Clutching his shoulders tight, Lexi buried her mouth in his neck. He tasted of sweat and musk, an incredibly erotic taste. She clamped her teeth over his skin and sucked hard. Instantly, his hips moved, and an incredible fire licked along her aching core again.

His curse felt like the sweetest words to her ears.

His gaze never moved from her. His breath feathered over her, the raw sounds that fell from his mouth enveloped her. He pulled out slowly, the length of his erection dragging against the walls of her sex, teasing and tormenting her. Until she felt his instant loss, until her body cried out to be possessed again.

And then he thrust back into her. He moved slow, hard and deep, and she trembled, awash with jagged sensations, bursting to full with a raw awareness. Every square inch of her thrummed with a fever, shuddered with the influx of sensation.

And he did it again and again.

Lexi cried out his name as need coiled again and burst into a million lights. Her throat was raw, her entire body was raw.

His skin was slick under her palms, his muscles bunching and flexing, every inch of him rigid with want that was all for her. To have him inside her, to hold this powerful man shuddering in her arms, it was the most powerful, most freeing thing she had ever felt.

Every time, he thrust into her, Lexi felt his control snap, his finesse slip and his desperation take over. Until a hoarse grunt fell from his lips and he became utterly still.

Lexi pushed his hair from his forehead and pressed a kiss to his lips, unable to hold herself back. She had known that sex with Nikos would be fantastic, earth-shattering. But the tenderness in his eyes, the soft, slow kiss he pressed to her mouth, as if she had given him the most precious gift ever, seared through her.

She had no defense against it. Except to tell herself that she was imagining things, that it was her innate need to bond with him, to make this more than it was.

It was amazing sex, and she wasn’t going to let her insecurities ruin it.

She could do this. In fact, she would not only do this, but she would have the time of her life doing it. Fears and doubts, regrets and tears...she would have the rest of her life to indulge in once she was back in New York.


LEXI HAD JUST returned to the mansion from the beach the next afternoon when Nikos returned from wherever it was that he’d been. Wraparound shades shielded his expression from her as he stilled in the foyer at the sight of her. But she still felt his scrutiny as vividly as if he had laid those big hands of his over her skin. Her neck prickled, every inch of her skin stretched taut at his continued perusal.

“I am going to the other side of the island where the new hotel is being built. If you would like to accompany me, meet me at the entrance in fifteen minutes. Ask Maria to pack a change of clothes for you.”

“I can do that myself but...I... Why?”

“I might have to stay there overnight. Do you want to be here alone? If you wish to, that is fine.”

“No, I want to go. I will be ready in fifteen.”
