Page 62 of A Deal with Demakis

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She squealed and turned as he reached her in two quick steps and pressed her to the wall behind her with his huge body. She saw his hunger in the tight lines of his gorgeous face, in the way he clenched his muscles hard holding the lust at bay. “By the time I’m through with you tonight, you won’t remember your own name much less another man’s, thee mou. My name, that’s all you are going to say, or scream.”

She trembled at the dark promise in his words, her body already thrumming with arousal and anticipation. She choked back a laugh as he picked her up and moved toward the couch.

She shook her head and pointed him in the other direction. “The bedroom is that way.”

Desire roared into life in his eyes.

“Three hundred and sixty hours and forty-three minutes.”


“Since you made love to me.”

“I think you’re addicted to sex, Ms. Nelson.”

“Nope.” She tucked herself tighter around him and smiled up at him. “I’m addicted to you, Mr. Demakis.”
