Page 4 of Until Jake

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That was all.

Her stilettos hit the cobblestones as he called after her, “I’ll bring the wine, Kate.”

She smiled triumphantly.

And I’ll supply the condoms…

Chapter Two

The doorbell rang at precisely seven o’clock.

Kate’s hand froze in midair, the wineglass just inches from her lips.

Holy crap. He was punctual. She hadn’t expected that.

Setting aside her glass because, supposedly, Jake was bringing wine with him—and she prayed it didn’t come from a box sporting its own tap—she crossed the hardwood floor of the kitchen and living room and into the entryway. A quick glance through the peephole made the longing spring to life once more.

Yet Kate frowned.

On the other side of her front door stood someone she barely recognized—though he was still drop-dead gorgeous.

Okay, the sun-kissed blond hair, the beautiful blue eyes and the slightly squared jaw line, now clean-shaven, were familiar. But her construction worker had morphed into a refined-looking man who made her stomach flutter. Very unexpected.

He wore a black suit with a crisp white shirt, opened at the neck. No tie. Dashing, but still exuding a bad-boy edge.

Exhilaration trilled down her spine as her thumb pressed the latch on the handle and she pulled the door open.

“Hey there,” he said, a casual grin on his devastatingly handsome face. Kate practically melted in her Manolos. Pulling one hand from behind his back, he offered her a bottle of wine. “I hope you like it.”

She studied the label. “Chimney Rock Cabernet Sauvignon. Nice.” It was even better than the bottle she’d opened minutes before.

The other hand behind his back produced a single, long-stemmed red rose. A full, velvety bloom. Kate’s breath caught.

Accepting the second offering, she said, “You certainly know how to impress a girl.”

Girl? Who was she kidding? She was thirty-fucking-six-years-old!

And he was…

Oh, hell. So very much younger!

Don’t focus on that. He’s here. That means he’s interested…

“May I come in?” he asked.

“Of course.”

Keep it together, Kate. You’re the sophisticated, older woman. Don’t come off like a giddy schoolgirl!

She took a step back, then another, because he needed extra space to get that large, muscular frame into her small foyer. Her gaze slid over him and the lust welled so fast and furious within her, it was a wonder Kate didn’t beg him to fuck her right then and there.

Calm down!

Patience, Kate.


He closed the door behind him and followed her into the living room. “Make yourself comfortable,” she said as she rushed into the kitchen.
