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It was hell to leave him. More excruciating than I’d let on. But I joined Amano in the garage. He opened the passenger door for me and I slipped into the seat, latching the belt.

We drove a ways in silence. I wasn’t surprised. That was his nature.

Yet eventually he spoke. “I owe you a very personal apology that’s just between the two of us. What I did—”

“No,” I told him, twisting a bit so I could face him. “You don’t owe me an apology, Amano. You’ve been with Dane his entire life. You know his secrets and you know how to protect them—how to protect him. I’m grateful for that.”

His broad shoulders bunched. Those same shoulders that had borne the brunt of familial and professional obligation—and which had saved Dane’s life.

I reached over and rested a hand on his biceps, covered in his usual impeccable business suit. “You’ve done so much, Amano, for a really good cause. I would have been selfish and demanded he stay with me, rather than risk his life further.”

The bodyguard’s gaze slid to me. “Maybe not.” His eyes returned to the road.

I considered this. I hadn’t exactly pitched a fit when I’d walked away a few minutes ago. I knew what Dane had to do and I knew why he had to do it.

How it impacted me—or even our child—was part of the sacrifice he had to make in order to curb the corruption, keep another economic downfall from profiting the extremely wealthy and hurting everyone else.

In a sense, Dane had given up 10,000 Lux—his ultimate dream—for justice. How could I not be proud of that and supportive of him? Even if it broke my heart to not be with him.

I said, “You had a chance to walk away after his parents died. Why didn’t you?”

“I had a responsibility to the entire family.”

Exactly as I’d expected. The familial tie. “Lara included.”

He flashed a dour look.

“Yes,” I conceded. “Dane told me.”

Amano was quiet a few minutes. Then he said, “I stayed on as head of estate security because of Dane. I didn’t feel comfortable leaving a newborn who’d just inherited billions of dollars high and dry. Anything could have happened to him.”

“Did things almost happen to him? Things you thwarted?”


He didn’t jump on my question, clearly not liking the line of questioning. But then he told me, “There were plenty of threats, from the beginning. I felt it was my duty to protect Dane and his aunt.”

I already had immense respect for the man and eternal appreciation for how he’d taken my safety to heart, for Dane’s sake. But I also admired that he saw the big picture. What could happen, what needed to be done, how to achieve the most important goals.

“You’re really very amazing,” I said, emotion tingeing my voice.

Again, he didn’t speak for a spell. I didn’t push.

Finally, he said, “I wasn’t happy about what happened with you and Vale.”

“You couldn’t have prevented that, Amano. You needed to be with Dane, and I had Kyle. It’s not his fault, either,” I hastily added. “No one’s to blame. Vale found the perfect ploy, the perfect … lure. My love for Dane.”

I gave a half snort. Amano shot me a look.

“So maybe I’m to blame because I can’t resist him.”

“Ari, that F5 was the spitting image of Dane’s—and there are only thirty in the whole damn world. Those are not circumstances under which you chastise yourself.”

“Yet you still hold yourself accountable,” I challenged. “Even though you weren’t even on-property, because Dane needed you elsewhere.”

“I should have been on-property. I should have been wherever you were.”

“Amano, you have to pick your battles here. Dane’s the priority.”
