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“Tired of us pussy-footing around,” he said, looking as uncomfortable as she felt. All because of the sizzling chemistry they shared, which they had yet to act upon. “I’ve become the poster child for blue balls because of you.”

She made a soft tsking sound. “Poor Finn. We can’t have that.”

Though, if there were such a phrase related to women being all twisted in knots over not getting it, she’d be his poster counterpart.

“Plus,” Finn continued the negotiations, “I donate a portion of the proceeds to the models’ favorite charities when the pieces sell. Ten percent.”

“I support the homeless shelters,” Yvette told him. “Twenty-five percent for the worthy cause.”

He laughed good-naturedly as he shook his head. “Highway robbery.”

“You won’t have the paintings without me.”

“Fifteen percent.”

“Twenty,” she countered. “And that’s as low as I go. Take it or leave it.”

His dark brown eyes glowed hypnotically as he said, “You drive a hard bargain. Sold.”

“Well, I suppose I don’t have anything better to do in this heat. So what do you want me to do?”

“Look sexy as hell.

“Oh is that all?”

He chuckled again. Then he bustled about, setting up his workspace and his equipment. When he was ready, he took Yvette by the hand and pulled her off the sofa, moving her out of his way. She went for her cocktail as he spread out a sheet of plastic on her hardwood floor, in front of the sofa. Then he pulled the satin down a ways, so it covered the small patch of plastic.

“Are you planning on squirting oil all over my body?”

He just grinned at her over his shoulder as he worked. Then he opened the ice chest and hefted a large block, encased in a plastic mold. This piqued Yvette’s interest even more. The square was about three feet tall, maybe two feet wide. Finn set it on the satin and plastic in front of the sofa and removed the molds that conformed to each side, revealing a beautifully sculpted, crystal-clear ice cube. Simple by all counts, but with smooth, beveled edges and a perfect, round hole in the middle. The light Finn angled toward it created a spectrum of color inside the cube, making it flash and twinkle like a diamond.

Yvette set her glass down and returned to Finn’s side. “It’s fantastic, Finn.”

“I had it made just for the occasion. I took a chance stopping by today after I’d picked up all the ice sculptures I’d ordered. It’ll start melting in a few minutes, but again, I just need the general visual so I can create the painting.”

He turned to her, fluffing the thick mass of blond hair falling over her shoulders and down her back in waves of plump curls. He mussed it a bit, then grinned at her.

“Give me a hungry look,” he said, his deep voice low and sexy. “Like you’re restless and in desperate need of me.”

Her eyelids dropped to half-mast. “That won’t be difficult to do.” Leaning close to him, she said, “I am restless and in desperate need of you.”

Hell, she’d wanted him for four years. And here he was, in her condo when she was wearing next to nothing.

Fortuitous, indeed!

She was no longer cursing the heat and humidity. It’d helped her to end up exactly where she wanted to be. Well, almost… “So, you want me to look horny with come-hither eyes?”

He grinned at her. “I want you to look like you’ve got something to give me and you think I want it.”

Her gaze connected with his, holding it steady. “Do you want it?”

Chapter Two

Finn’s jaw tightened. He reached out to her, placing one hand on her hip. The other slid around her neck to cup the back of her head. He pulled her close to him and said, “You know I do.”

Her hands slid between them and she worked the buttons on his shirt as she said, “Took you long enough to make a move on me.”

“Timing,” he muttered before his head dipped and his lips brushed over hers. “It turned out to be perfect today. Especially because I want the whole weekend with you. A quick fuck’s not going to be enough.”
