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She stared up at him as they moved farther into the work area set up backstage. He hadn’t missed a single step when he’d helped her, nor had he visibly expended the least bit of physical effort when he’d briefly hauled her up. Granted, she wasn’t the size of a dump truck, but she had a good forty or so pounds on Jane and she was at least six or seven inches taller at five-ten. Well, an even six feet in her heels.

While her mind reeled at Drake’s virility and the way he made her feel as delicate as Jane looked, he said, “Careful there. The floor gets slippery from the fresh body paint.”

How kind of him to help her save face.

But her face flushed anyway, because she’d all but forgotten they were supposed to be on a tour. She’d tuned out the models in various stages of undress as they came and went. She’d pushed all of her interview questions to the back of her head. In fact, she was tongue-tied all over again.


bsp; Not that it mattered. Jane dove into a dissertation about the murals that would be on display in less than half an hour.

She said, “The artists sketch out their scenes so the models know the exact placement beforehand. Behind these curtains,” she paused as she gestured toward the workstations made private by the addition of full-length drapes attached to metal rods suspended from the open rafters and comprising individual, rectangular structures, “the models relax and enjoy champagne and music while they’re painted. For their safety, Drake typically doesn’t allow anyone back here who’s not directly associated with one of the murals. For their privacy, he doesn’t allow security to view the footage inside the stages before or after the murals ‘go live’. We videotape from every angle, of course, but only Drake has access to the footage, should something go wrong. We’ve never encountered any problems, though.”

She leaned in close as her hand rested on the small of Shana’s back. A whisper of a touch that was surprisingly titillating.

Jane added in a self-deprecating, yet teasing voice, “I tried to sneak a peek once and got my hand slapped.”

Shana couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sure the temptation is difficult to resist. There’s a certain curiosity factor related to what goes on back here.”

“See?” she said as her gaze snapped to Drake. “I told you it was perfectly normal to want to see how some of these people get it on. Especially with the more creative murals.” Her eyes fell on Shana again and she winked. “Nothing wrong with a little curiosity. It’s healthy.”

“That’s probably not something you should admit to our guest, love,” Drake said. “She might tell on us.”

“Ah, according to Jane,” Shana jumped into the conversation, “there’s nothing to tell. You won’t let her have any fun.”

She smiled up at the handsome devil next to her. Where the flirtation in her voice had come from, she had no idea. She’d never heard such a sultry sound fall from her lips. Nor had she ever put together a provocative statement with such ease.

If she’d had something to drink earlier, she might think she’d been served some sort of miracle cure that actually made her come across somewhat lighthearted and composed.

Not one to push her luck, she returned her attention to the fine art of walking without stumbling in front of her hosts again.

But Drake’s head bent to hers once more and he said in his deep, sexy tone, “I suppose I could break the rules this one time. The models sign a waiver acknowledging they’re being videotaped.”

A very wicked thrill shot down her spine so fast, Shana nearly missed a step again. Even with her concentrated effort.

“You really believe all of the models succumb to primal mating instincts because they’re naked and the opportunity presents itself?”

He grinned down at her, making her feel as though she’d actually posed a relevant question. Surprise, surprise.

He countered by asking, “You really believe they can resist the temptation?”

Shana’s teeth sank into her lower lip. Lucky for her, she was wearing twelve-hour, stay-put lipstick in crimson, or she’d be wearing more of the lipstick on her teeth than her lips.

As she contemplated her answer to Drake’s query, he continued to watch her, a scorching-hot look on his handsome face, an intriguing challenge in his dark eyes.

Even a social misfit could sense physical attraction. It existed between her and Drake in spades. It also existed between her and Jane. She couldn’t deny it, even being as inexperienced as she was in this arena. Their interest in her was genuine. She had a lifetime of false flattery under her belt to know the difference. The men who’d come onto her during her international touring years had all wanted something from her, yes. But it wasn’t her body, per se. It wasn’t whatever charm or wit or intellect she might possess that enticed them. It was her name. Her prestige. Her fame. Her fortune.

These two fascinating people knew her past. They’d admitted as much. But that was not what drew them to her, she was certain of it. What she felt right now was their attraction to the person she’d become. The person she still strove to be.

It was strange how it all fell into place for Shana, but it happened quickly and it couldn’t be denied. These were two people with honest intentions. Potentially wicked intentions, sure. There was no missing the naughty sparkle in Drake’s eyes or the quick rise and fall of Jane’s chest, echoing her excitement as though she’d shouted it into a canyon for all to hear.

In the end, Shana knew enough about human nature, had met enough people with pretenses only meant to suit their needs and fulfill their desires, to know when someone was shining her on.

Drake and Jane were not.

Of course, that didn’t mean she had a clue as to what they were really up to and what she was supposed to do about it. But she felt comfortable in their presence and she wanted to know them better. She wanted them to find her interesting enough to let her into their world.

A shocking turn of events from the simple invitation she’d thought she’d be accepting this evening, but one she found appealing. There was a certain fear that walked hand in hand with her vulnerability, but she’d never felt more inspired or motivated to unravel herself from that fear than she did at this moment. With Drake. With Jane.
