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“Then let’s put it on hold until later.” Her heart jumped. Was she being too presumptuous? “Unless you have other plans, of course.”

“I do, actually.” He loosened his grip on her and put an inch of space between them as the server approached. But under his breath, Christian added, “They involve you, me, and Rory … at my apartment. Naked, in case I haven’t made that perfectly clear. Okay by you?”

Her entire body lit up like a bonfire. She had to duck her head as the fire ignited on her cheeks. “You’re going to have to order for me,” she said, all breathy and deeply aroused. Christ, she couldn’t speak in her normal voice, let alone look the server in the eye when she made a selection. And who the fuck was she kidding? She wouldn’t even be able to concentrate on the menu!

Christian said, “No worries. Rory is whipping something up for the three of us. He just needs to know how you like your steak, or if you want sea bass, cedar-plank salmon, or lamb instead.”

“Steak. Medium rare.”

“Perfect.” Christian relayed the information.

Bayli reached for her champagne and drained the glass. “I’m going to need a refill. Jesus, it’s suddenly so hot in here.”

Christian gestured for Pierre to return to their table as he said to Bayli, “Everyone else appears to be quite comfortable with the temperature.”

“So humorous,” she said with a smirk. “It’s only because they’re not sitting next to a gorgeous, dark-haired, blue-eyed man who can electrically charge the air with little more than a suggestive chuckle and a few wicked words.”

“Not really looking to charge the air, sweetheart.” He grinned. “Just you.”

“Well, you’re doing a stellar job of it.”

“I sort of suspected that.”

Pierre refreshed their champagne and left them.

Christian clinked the rim of his glass against Bayli’s and said, “Here’s to a successful affair.”

“Business or pleasure?”

“Both, of course.” He sipped, then added, “Unless there’s something I’m missing.” One corner of his mouth dipped. “I highly doubt you could conceal a packet of contracts somewhere in that dress.”

“I didn’t bring them,” she affirmed. “They’re not signed.”

“Bayli.” He set aside his glass. Got deathly serious. “Whatever you’re worrying about when it comes to me and Rory, however much time you need with that, I completely understand. No one’s pressuring you there. But don’t let anything related to our personal relationships hold you back from a great professional opportunity. Rory and I would never want you to pass up a chance to fulfill an aspiration because of anything happening with us behind closed doors. These are sole and separate enterprises.”


He sighed. “You know what I’m getting at—you compartmentalize. Work is one thing. Private affairs are something altogether different.”


“So what’s keeping you from signing?”

She took another long drink, then said, “I needed to see Rory first. And now that I have … I’m ready to move forward with the show.”

“The two of you truly hashed it all out?”

“I needed to feel less moronic and he set me straight.”

Christian’s gaze narrowed. “Bayli.”

“My words, Christian,” she told him. “Don’t read anything into my insecurity.”

He didn’t lighten up on the scrutiny. “Rory can be—”

“Intimidating, a lot to handle all at once, difficult to dissect … yes. Absolutely. And I fell prey to all of that. My own doing. I got sidetracked and thought I couldn’t compartmentalize. When it comes to you, Rory, and the show, I’m not fully convinced that I can put it all into my convenient silos. So it threw me a little. But after speaking with Rory”—she shrugged—“I now feel as though I don’t want everything in my life to be convenient and easily stacked.”

“That’s not anything I expected to hear you say.”
