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Scarlet found a measure of relief in that, particularly because everything was unraveling in this house.

She asked Karina, “It was your idea to stage the theft?”

“It was the only thing I could think of. The only way to get the money without having to explain anything to Mitcham, without having to reveal my past to him or his friends. His son. And of course, I couldn’t allow Michael and Sam to be in any sort of danger. You yourself have suffered Wyatt’s cruelty. I didn’t doubt for a second that he’d go through with his plan to terrorize my new family.”

“Yes, I can attest to his diligence.”

“Mitcham told me when he gifted me with the collection that it was mine. Hang the pieces where I wanted, exchange anything that didn’t suit me, whatever. It was all mine. He took out the policy but said that if anything ever happened to the paintings—he was thinking in terms of a fire, mostly—I’d have the funds to replace them. So in my mind, I really did consider the collection mine to do with as I pleased. Having it ‘stolen’ wasn’t what pleased me, but I didn’t feel I had an alternative. I worked with Wyatt to get the paintings out of the house. In the exact fashion you detailed, Miss Drake.”

Damn. At the moment, it was hideously painful to be right.

Karina said, “I made sure no one was in this wing when they boxed up the paintings. Mitcham filed the claim and you know the rest of the story.”

“Not entirely,” Scarlet told her. “I don’t know where that collection is and the curiosity has been driving me mad.”

“In a warehouse,” Karina said on a heavy sigh. “Perfectly safe and sound.”

“Tucked away until the statutes run out,” Sam added.

“Yes,” his mother said. More tears spilled as she told Scarlet, “I may not be an ethical person in your eyes, but I’ve always been a good mother and wife. I can’t let someone hurt my family if there’s something I can do about it. Yes, I was willing to lie, cheat, and steal to protect them. I’m sorry to say that I would do it all over again. Because it was worth the try to keep Wyatt and Dylan away from us and to safeguard Mitcham’s reputation, his image. I did struggle; I still do. I never thought it was fair for him to take on the burden of my insecurities. He’s given me and Sam so much. I felt I owed him.”

“You never owed me anything.”

At Mitcham’s deep, distinguished voice, Scarlet’s head whipped in the direction of the archway. Not a smooth move on her part, because that spot above her right eye started to throb again. She winced from the pain and Michael was instantly by her side.

“You need to sit down,” he insisted, and helped her to the sofa.

Karina was on her feet in the next instant, but she didn’t go to her husband. She poured a glass of water for Scarlet and handed it over.

Gingerly lowering herself to the cushion next to Scarlet, she said, “I am so sorry you got caught in the cross fire. I never dreamed things would go this far.” She sniffled, then added, “I thought it was over. I put Wyatt and Dylan behind me. Focused all my energy on being a wife, being a volunteer in the community, being someone respectable. Not so … shady. And I’ve worked hard, for my own company. I’m making back the insurance money. I’ve had every intention of returning it. Unfortunately, it takes quite a bit of time to earn that sort of cash, even when business is booming.”

“I’ll pay it back,” Sam told her.

“No,” she was quick to say. “It’s my debt. I’m sure the insurance carrier will set up some sort of payment plan after I make a good-faith payment.”

“I’ll look into it when I notify them,” Scarlet assured her.

“I’ll take care of the restitution,” Mitcham said.

“It’s not your responsibility,” Karina maintained.

“You’re my wife.”

They stared at each other across the room.

Scarlet knew she wasn’t helping to ease the tension when she said, “I have to report all of this, Karina. And it’ll make the papers, have no doubt. It’s eighteen million dollars’ worth of artwork we’re talking about.”

Karina dragged her gaze from her husband and nodded at Scarlet. “Yes, I understand. And I’ll do whatever’s asked of me. If there’s any criminal recourse at this point, past the statute of limitations, community service, whatever … I will do anything to make up for this.” Her attention returned to Mitcham. “I never meant to hurt you. Everything I did was for the direct opposite result. I made a huge mistake. I can’t apologize enough, but please know that I did it because I love this family. Because I love you.”

“We’ll talk,” was all Mitcham Vandenberg said. He held his hand out and Karina went to him.

At the archway, she turned back to Scarlet, Sam, and Michael. “I really am so very sorry.”

More tears fell as Karina left with her husband.

For once in her life, Scarlet did not want to be a fly on the wall. Lord only knew how that discussion would go.

Besides, she had her own cross to bear. A heavy, painful one.
