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“I’m a little worried,” she shakily confessed. “There’s a lot of blood. It’s running into my hair. My bangs are soaked.”

There were more voices in the background, a bit of commotion. The sound of a door opening was a monumental relief to Sam. Scarlet explained to the first responder that she was stuck. Sam stayed on the call as they talked her through how they were going to get her out and then went about extracting her from the belt and the vehicle. Then there was silence.

Sam was ready to jump out of his skin. He waited for what seemed like an eternity, pacing and trying not to picture Scarlet cut up and covered in blood. It was an agonizing wait before someone came on the line.

“This is an EMT,” he told Sam. “We’re taking Miss Drake to the hospital. I’m going to have to disconnect you.”

“Yes, of course. Just … Tell her I’m on my way.”

“Will do.”

The EMT dropped off. Sam immediately called Michael.

“Calling about—”

“Scarlet’s been in an accident,” Sam instantly interjected. “She’s on the way to the hospital in River Cross right now. I’m going to California.”

“I’ll pick you up in Kalispell,” Michael told him, alarm in his voice.

“It’ll take you four hours to get here in your Lear, Michael.”

“Yes, but do you really think you’re going to get a flight to San Francisco out of that airport at this time of night? And nonstop? Not likely. It’ll take you just as long if not longer than if I pick you up. And if there’s a municipal airport in River Cross we can land there and save the time it’d take to drive from the city.”

“Good point.” But what the fuck was he going to do for four hours to keep from going crazy over Scarlet?

“Look, just hang in there, all right? I know you’re rattled.”

“I was on the phone with her when someone ran her off the road. I’m guessing he took off, because he didn’t help her.”

“Shit.” Michael’s tone was razor sharp. “How bad is it?”

“She rolled the vehicle and was hanging upside down for a while. Belt jammed. Or her fingers were too shaky to release the latch. She’s bleeding, but she was conscious.”

“Goddamn it, that must have been a bitch for you to go through.”

“Without there being a fucking thing I could do for her!”

His nerves were shot to shit and his panic didn’t abate.

“Have a drink and take a few deep breaths,” Michael told him. “I’ve got to make all the arrangements. I’ll call you from the air.”



“I’ll be okay. Just get a move on it. I don’t want to waste time.”

“Neither do I.”

Sam hung up. Bypassed his beer and poured a stiff drink instead. Prayed like hell Scarlet would be all right—and that she’d call him as soon as she could.


Michael was worried about Scarlet, but he was equally concerned about Sam, whose knee was bouncing up and down as he sat across from Michael. The Lear was too small for effective pacing, especially for a man Sam’s size. So Michael knew the confinement was as torturous for his stepbrother as not being with Scarlet when she was injured.

Sam said, “Her friend Jewel called me from Scarlet’s cell while she was getting stitched up and looked over. I let her know I contacted you and we’re flying out there. Jewel said Scarlet’s shaken up, but they didn’t think anything was broken. She has a concussion, so she’s being kept at the hospital overnight. We’ll arrive right around the time visiting hours start in the morning.”

“We should probably try to get a few hours’ sleep, then,” Michael suggested.
