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But no . . . she could never do that. They were a gift from Lex and Jax. And that made them much too special to part with. Even if the only place she’d ever be able to wear them was her own living room.

Lily’s thoughts continued to wander. Against her better judgment, she thought of Katarina. There’d been pain in Jax’s eyes when he’d spoken of her. But toward the end of their conversation, there’d been a flicker of light as well. She was curious to know what that was all about.

Admittedly, the situation was a complex one to dissect and reconcile. On the one hand, Katarina was in the past. But on the other hand—that wasn’t necessarily true, because they were still so caught up in the memory of her seven years later that they were writing songs for her. Or about her. Lily wasn’t really sure which.

All she knew was that they must have been very deeply in love. Because losing her had shattered them both. That was intently reflected in their music, as she’d concluded the first time she’d stood outside the music room, listening to Jax’s chilling notes.

So, back to the problem at hand. Once more, she considered the idea of leaving. It seemed like the wisest choice.

Also the hardest.

As she thought this through, she couldn’t help but believe last night was really the tip of the iceberg. For them all. It’d been a phenomenal experience in her mind. And while it wasn’t a unique scenario for the two men, the fact that they hadn’t been with the same woman since Katarina suggested there was something about Lily that resonated with them both. That attracted them both. That drew them both in. So that they were able to put aside their past pain and explore a new ménage.

Lex and Jax knew what they were doing. She was certain of it. Last night had flowed seamlessly for them. No envy, no possessiveness, no competition. As though their sole purpose was her pleasure . . . and what they’d derive from giving it.

But she wasn’t an expert on threesomes. Had never even delved into the notion until she’d arrived at the mansion and things had started to unfold. Now she was caught up in the meaning of it, the implications—or, rather, the ramifications.

There was a very good possibility that these two men would never let go of the past. Let go of Katarina. And what Lily provided for them in the bedroom was a physical substitute for the woman they’d loved. Still loved?

Shit. She didn’t know. Worse, the morning after was hardly the time to pose all these philosophical questions laced with the very insecure, Where is this headed?

Okay. There was her reality check.

She was getting way ahead of herself. It’d been one night. It wasn’t as though she’d fallen in love. Right?


No, no. Not love.

Just . . . extreme appreciation for their talent, sexy smiles, and hot bods.

Yes. That was more accurate.



With a dejected sigh because she really wasn’t solving her own dilemma, she stood and did what she’d originally come to do today. She extracted a small vial from her front pocket and removed the lid. Lily sprinkled the tiny portion of her mother’s ashes in the water.

“Enjoy Bayfront, Mom.”

Then she returned to the mansion.

* * *

It wasn’t possible to turn off or even scale back the desire among Lily, Lex, and Jax, despite her reservations.

They wanted her. She wanted them.

And when it came to the two men, she apparently had zero willpower.

She forced herself to concentrate on her duties during the day. But the nights . . . ?

Encore performances of their first time together.

Sometimes they’d sleep in Jax’s room. Sometimes Lex’s. Never hers, and she surmised that this was an alpha thing. They wanted her in their beds.

If Greta suspected anything, she wasn’t letting on. The other staff members weren’t around the three of them enough to pick up on any sexual vibes. Lily considered that all good and safe.

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