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He lowered his head to kiss her. Whatever the hell had just happened in the last fifteen minutes, it didn’t seem right not to. He’d fallen in love last night and he wasn’t going to pretend that hadn’t happened or he hadn’t kissed every inch of her body because her old boyfriend was back in town.

Hailey averted her face and his lips fell chastely on her cheek. Like the first time. Except nothing had ever been chaste between them. Even that first time there had been an undercurrent, a foretelling of the future. She could sense his disappointment, his disapproval, and she squeezed his arm, begging him to understand.

Callum bade Paul a curt goodbye and left. So not how he’d pictured that this morning would go. So not the way he’d wanted them to part.

Having the day with Paul was cathartic for Hailey, to say the least. They talked a lot about Eric and that day and the days that had followed. And about them and their breakup and Donna. He told her about his new job and rebuilding his life. He also made no secret of the fact that he wanted her to be part of it. That he’d forgiven her, absolved her and was ready to love her.

Which was what she’d wanted all along. To hear him say those words. At the time she’d have stayed without hesitation, been part of his life, and helped him through the dark times. She’d begged him to. Pleaded with him to allow her to take care of him, despite how he had betrayed her with his ex. But he’d sent her away.

And she’d understood that. He had been a father who had just lost a son. He hadn’t been capable of worrying about anyone else’s feelings or needs. So she’d comforted herself with the fact that he was grieving and she’d left, come back to Australia to lick her wounds and hope that he would come for her some day.

And so now he was here, telling her all the things she had wanted to hear back then. So, what was the problem? This was what she’d wanted, wasn’t it? But things weren’t as clear cut as they had been back then. A lot of water had flowed under the bridge and she was a much stronger person.

Her confidence as a nurse, which had taken a massive battering, was slowly returning. Her days that had had no direction other than survival had purpose and structure, and a man had come into her life wanting her, accepting her.

She could see her reticence confused Paul. He’d obviously thought she was just going to say all was forgotten and fall back into his arms. And if she was honest with herself, she’d admit his assumption rankled. Yes, he’d been hurt, he’d been grieving, but, then, so had she.

He had discarded her. Trampled all over her love. Finding him in bed with his ex had cut her so deeply that she’d doubted she could ever love again. Did he expect her to just wipe that under the carpet?

Callum checked his mobile message bank all day. He hoped desperately one of the messages that were flashing on his machine when he got home in the evening would be from her. One was from Tom. Two were from his secretary. And one was a hang-up. He lasted an hour before he dialled her number.

‘Hi, this is Hailey’s voicemail, I’m busy right now so leave a message.’

Busy? Busy doing what? Callum’s heart thudded in his chest while he waited for the beep. He thought of several things to say and discarded them all. He’d give anything to hear her voice. Her real voice. To be with her, lying beside her as he had done last night. Why did it seem such an age ago now?

He replaced the phone as several scenarios of what she was doing right now popped into his head.

Stop it!

The apartment was quiet and he found himself wishing Tom was there. At least there was never a silent moment or time to indulge in his own thoughts with an energetic six-year-old around. At least Tom kept his mind off things and caring for his son took up all his energy. There was usually nothing left of him at the end of the day and right now it seemed exceedingly inviting.

He channel-surfed for a while, glancing at the wall clock every couple of minutes. It hit seven-thirty and the evening alone with his thoughts stretched interminably ahead. He stood. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t wait around. He had to know. Callum was at her door in under a minute, banging loud enough to announce his presence to the entire floor.

Hailey hurried to the door—had Paul lost the key? She blinked at Callum’s glowering presence. His shirt was untucked and dark stubble shadowed his jaw. He obviously hadn’t shaved after he’d left that morning. He looked big and mad and handsome and she realised after an exhausting day of reflection and analysis with Paul how much she’d missed him. ‘Hi.’

Callum stood on the doorstep, his eyes greedily roving over her face and body, her presence momentarily striking him dumb. It was a few moments before he recovered. ‘We need to talk.’
