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'Tell me, what's happening with your family?' she asked Byron so abruptly that he jumped in his seat.

He eyed her suspiciously. 'Why would you want to know about my family?'

Her shrug was nonchalant. 'Why not? They're my family too, in a roundabout sort of way. Besides, I'm fed up with that old feud nonsense between the Whitmores and the Campbells. We should let bygones be bygones.'

'Pardon me if I say I don't believe that for a moment,' he scoffed. 'You single-handedly revived the old feud when you took over Campbell Jewels. Your mother might have been prepared to let bygones be bygones after your father died. But not you, Celeste. Never you.'

'A woman can change her mind, can't she?'

Byron laughed. 'You mean you're going to drop all your unfair business tactics? You're not going to deliberately undercut our prices, even at your own expense? You're not going to bribe any more Japanese tour guides to bypass our stores in favor of yours?'

'That was not done with my sanction,' she said sharply.

'Then I suggest you get rid of your sales and marketing manager before he ruins you.'

'I have spoken to Damian.'

'Spoken? He should have been fired!'

'He's family,' she sighed. 'You must know what that's like. I feel responsible for him.'

Celeste was surprised to see understanding soften Byron's face. 'Yes,' he sighed as well. 'I do. But one makes a lot of mistakes in the name of family responsibility. '

Celeste nodded her agreement while Byron fell silent.

'Ava's getting married,' he resumed abruptly after a short interval.

'Good lord!' Celeste was genuinely surprised. 'Who to?'

'A very interesting man by the name of Vince Morelli.'

'An Italian?'

'An Australian-Italian. In his early thirties and handsome as the devil, though not in a typically Latin fashion. He has the coloring and the body of a Bondi lifesaver.'

'Well, I am surprised. I'm afraid I rather saw Ava going to her grave a spinster. Are you sure he's not after her money? As your only sister, she must have quite an inheritance.'

'He has more than enough money of his own. Runs a construction company that specializes in building blocks of units. My solicitor says he's rock- solid.'

She threw him a dry look. 'I see you had him checked out.'

'I didn't get where I am today by being trusting, Celeste. Still, you wouldn't have so many doubts if you saw Ava today. She's trimmed off a lot of weight and is looking positively glowing. Being in love suits her.'

Celeste flinched inside. 'How nice for her,' she said a little stiffly. 'Speaking of being in love, has Jade tied the knot yet with that hunk of a fiancé she was with at the ball?'

'Yes, and she's expecting a baby.'

Celeste had to fight hard this time not to show a thing on her face. 'Really,' she said with a falsely bright smile. 'Is she going to stay home and give up her career?'

'No such luck, Celeste. Kyle's the one who's retiring. Apparently, he fancies himself a house husband while Jade stays head of marketing at Whitmore's.'

'Just my luck,' she muttered. 'But let's not talk about business. What's this I hear about Nathan's marriage being on the rocks?'

'What rubbish!' Byron exclaimed hotly. 'Nathan and Gemma are extremely happy.'

'Well, there, you see what I mean? How can one believe what one hears? Nathan's blissfully happy with his child bride and you're not getting

married again, either. I really must stop listening to gossip. Are you sure you're not getting married again? You're not just trying to keep it a secret, are you?'

'I have no intention of ever getting married again,' Byron bit out.

'Oh? Why's that? Wasn't your one experience with marriage a happy one?'

'You know damned well what my marriage was like, Celeste.'

'I'm not sure I do. Why don't you tell me?'

'I am not going to rake over old coals. Neither am I going to speak ill of the dead. Irene tried to be a good wife to me, and I did my best to be a good husband to her.'

'But you didn't love her.'

'Don't you dare talk to me about love,' he snarled. 'You have no concept of what love is.'

Celeste was startled by his sudden vehemence. 'Women like you are poison to all decent men,' he raved on in a low but highly emotional voice. 'You make them think you love them, but you don't. You play games with them. You turn them inside out. You fuel their desires, use their bodies, and when you've had enough you throw them away. Well, I called your bluff that last time, didn't I, Celeste? I used you and I threw you away. Watch out, darling, or I might do the same thing again. After all, we both know what you are, don't we? Not a cat. An alley-cat. I could have you just like that!' And he clicked his fingers.

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