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Striding out to Reception, she informed the startled receptionist that Mr Campbell was to be sent into her office the moment he reappeared, and not a second later. She was fuming by the time he walked in without knocking- at five to four.

'You wanted to see me, Celeste?' he said with arrogant nonchalance, planking himself down on the black leather chesterfield and drawing a packet of cigarettes from his pocket.

'I don't allow smoking in here, Damian,' she said coldly.

'Tough. If you don't like it, fire me.' And he lit up, drawing in deeply, then exhaling in her direction.

She glared at him through the haze of smoke. 'I just might do that.'

'No, you won't. Darling Mama holds the ultimate reins in this place and she wouldn't hear of it.'

'Darling Mama is in Europe for another few months,' came Celeste's dry reminder. 'Before she left, she gave, me a free hand to do whatever I thought was best for the company. Not in one's wildest imagination could your performance as sales and marketing manager be labeled that. Our retail outlets are still suffering a backlash from the publicity we received over the tour guide scandal. Our exports are down nearly twenty per cent. And the quality of the opals we've been using leaves a lot to be desired.'

'Shocking,' he murmured, clearly not at all concerned. Celeste's eyes narrowed on him.

'Have you been drinking, Damian?'

His smirk was revealing. 'I may have had a tipple or two with lunch. Is that against the rules as well?'

'No. But having a three-hour lunch is. You were supposed to be back at your desk at two. It's after four.'

'Is it really?' he mocked. 'I must have lost track of time.'

'Damian,' she said sternly. 'You must realize I can't allow this to go on.'

'Why not? The family's so rich that Campbell Jewels could go bankrupt and we'd still be all right. Your obsession with trying to outdo Whitmore Opals all the time is such a bore and so unnecessary. You should be out there enjoying yourself, like I do.'

'Doing what?' she snapped. 'Drinking yourself silly and playing poker?'

'Tch tch. Such spleen. I take it your meeting with Mr Whitmore, in court did not go to your liking? What went wrong? Didn't he succumb to the charms you so discreetly put on display today?' His black gaze encompassed her thoroughly, noting her high color as well as her figure- hugging clothing.

'You don't know what you're talking about, Damian. And you're trying to change the subject.'

'Is that what I'm doing? I thought I was sitting here, smoking.'

'You really are quite drunk, aren't you?'


'That's it then. As of today, you're no longer the sales and marketing manager. I won't sack you completely. I wouldn't do that to Mother. But I'm moving you into some useless position where you can't do any harm. You can be director of public relations.'

'Director of public relations? We haven't got a director of public relations!'

'Exactly. It should be right up your alley. No one will notice or care if you come to work or not.'

Celeste watched Damian's annoyance disappearing as the practicality of his new position sank in. 'Sounds perfect,' he drawled. 'And who are you going to get to replace me?'

She made a dismissive gesture with the Biro. 'I'm sure there must be someone in this company who can do the job.'

Damian laughed. 'I'm sure there is. I can see him now. He'll be bright and young and handsome, not to mention prepared to be extremely grateful to the boss.'

Celeste had had just about enough. 'Damian, I'm warning you. I-'

A sharp tap on the door stopped her in mid-flow. 'Come in,' she said sharply, knowing her assistant would not interrupt like this unless it was very important.

'Yes, Luke?' she asked when he popped his head in the door.

'Miss Landers says an urgent message came in for Mr Campbell a while back, but she only just found out he had returned from lunch and was in here.'

'What is it?' Damian asked, swiveling round.

'Here ... She wrote down the name and number.' He handed over a piece of paper to Damian, who remained seated where he was. 'The lady said it was an emergency and you were to ring her back as soon as you came in.' Luke nodded towards Celeste, then left, shutting the door with discreet quiet behind him.

Celeste was shocked by the look of sly glee that came into Damian's eyes as he read the note. 'Fantastic,' he muttered, then jumped to his feet. 'I must go.'
