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'Of course he would,' Byron stated pompously. 'Why wouldn't he?'

'Because men don't always want to hear women's explanations. They're princes at jumping to conclusions. A lot of girls who are merely silly are branded sluts without a trial, without even a hearing.'

'Are you referring to yourself, Celeste?’

‘To me?' Celeste surveyed his blustering anger with a wry ruefulness. 'Of course not, Byron. Why would I do that? You didn't jump to conclusions about me, did you? You simply believed what the woman who loved you told you. What motive would she possibly have had to lie?'

'Why are you taking this stance after all these years?' he asked, throwing his hands up in the air with a frustrated groan. 'You can't honestly expect me to believe you were a total innocent that first time-or later. If that was so, then why have you led such a decadent life since then? All those young men! A few weeks ago it was your chauffeur. Now you've set your sights on that poor bastard who just left here. God, I pity him!'

'Why? I'm going to look after Luke very well. He's going places around here.'

'He sure is! Right into your bed!'

'Not for a while, Byron,' she informed him silkily.

'Why the delay? Why not invite him home tonight, with us? I'm sure it won't be the first time you've had more than one man at a time.'

A pained outrage sent color to her cheeks and fury pulsing through her veins. But when she spoke, her words were laced with an icy venom that refused to deny his vile accusation.

'And if I have, what's it to you? You don't really care about me. All you've ever wanted from me is what you got last night, so don't give me any more of your holier-than-thou crap. I'm the only one who's ever cared in this relationship. I loved you, Byron Whitmore, and I've no intention of letting you off the hook by letting you believe otherwise!'

'Don't be so bloody ridiculous!' he rapped out. 'You never loved me, Celeste. You merely wanted me. But I became the one who got away, the one who wouldn't dance indefinitely to your tune. You've shown your true colors since then by surrounding yourself with a whole string of sexual puppets. But you've finally grown bored with them, haven't you? That's the

answer I was looking for today, and the reason for last night. You need a real man again to satisfy you, a man who can control you, who can call all your bluffs and put you in your place.'

'And where is that?'

'Under me.'

'You're an arrogant, presumptuous pig!'

His laughter send a chill running down her spine and excitement along her veins. 'I've got your measure, Celeste. You can't fool me any more. Don't even try.'

She flushed at the way he started looking her over. Despite the fact that she was dressed in a severely tailored business suit which hid her body well, his desire-filled gaze sent goose-bumps racing all over her skin. Her nipples peaked hard against the silk lining of the jacket and she felt the pull of her own desire between her thighs.

'You were right when you said last night that we haven't finished yet,' he said in a low, threatening voice. 'But you were wrong to assume you had the controlling hand in this. Your fires for me are as hot as mine for you. Maybe even hotter. If they weren't, you'd have thrown me out by now. After all, I'm well aware of your capabilities in throwing out a man. I saw you in action at the ball.'

'Something you'd be wise not to forget,' she countered, but rather shakily, she thought.

His smug smile confirmed it. 'You had plenty of opportunity to use your skills on me last night but you didn't. That's rather telling in itself, don't you think?' When Byron started moving around the large desk, Celeste stiffened back in her chair, her eyes flinging wide.

'Don't you dare touch me,' she rasped.

He swung her chair round to face him, placing a hand on each armrest, effectively imprisoning her in her seat. 'You can always kick me in the

groin,' he suggested drily. 'No? Then I'll take your lack of retaliation for an open invitation.' And he bent to kiss her quivering mouth.

Celeste detested the way her heart leapt at this lightest of kisses, but she was quick to resign herself to the situation. Byron was right. Resistance to his sexual approaches was a waste of time. Humiliating too if she tried to fight them, only to surrender eventually like some wimpish victim.

Her lips pulled back into a sexy smile under his, her eyes glittering boldly as they stared right into his. 'Do you think you might wait till lunchtime?' she murmured seductively. 'I'll cancel my lunch with Luke and meet you somewhere.'
