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Celeste remained diplomatically silent on this score. If there was one plus about Gemma moving out it would be that she wouldn't have to keep feeling uneasy about Damian's intentions.

'I-er-I think it might be wise to keep your immediate destination a secret from Damian though, don't you? The fewer people who know, the better.'

'What? Oh ... all right. But what will I tell him?'

'Nothing. I'll tell him after you're gone that I've sent you away on a little holiday. A cruise, perhaps, so that he can't even think about following you.'

The girl looked startled, then slightly worried. 'You think he might try to follow me?'

'I think,' Celeste said drily, 'that Damian might want eventually to deepen your friendship into something else. You're a lovely-looking girl, Gemma, and not nearly as naive as I originally thought. Don't disappoint me by underestimating your attractions, or Damian's weakness for beautiful women.'

Those big brown eyes widened before becoming steady and thoughtful. 'I won't, Celeste. Thank you for speaking plainly. I appreciate it.'

'I have a reputation for speaking plainly.' She smiled a wry, lop-sided smile. 'I have a reputation for a lot of things!'

'None of them deserved, I'm sure. You're a good person. I won't believe any of that horrible gossip about you any more.'

Celeste kept smiling even while her heart flipped over. 'A girl of rare judgement.'

'You can't fool someone from the bush. Or children. Or dogs. Dogs always know a good person when they see one.'

There was rueful note in Gemma's voice that piqued Celeste's curiosity. But it didn't seem the right moment to question her. Maybe one day, they'd have the chance to have a real heart-to-heart. Celeste knew she would like that. Very much.

'What are you going to do after you settle whatever you have to settle in Lightning Ridge?'

'I'm not sure. That will depend on how things pan out.'

'Will you promise to keep in touch, let me know what you decide to do with your life when you do decide?'

'You really want me to?'

'Of course!'

Her smile was dazzling. 'Then I will be happy to.'

'Good. Now I must pop upstairs and get into my swimming costume. I've been very naughty this week, not keeping up my exercise routine. Care to join me in the pool?'

'I'll come with you and watch, if you like, but I don't feel much like swimming.'

'All right. Why don't you stay here and watch TV while I change and I'll pick you up on the way through?'

Celeste was hurrying along the hall and had one foot on the bottom step when the telephone rang. Instant intuition warned her to take the call.

'I'll get that, Cora!' she called out and bolted down the end of the hall to pick up the receiver.

'Yes?' she said rather breathlessly.

'Is that you, Celeste?'

Her breath caught. Byron. It was Byron, ringing her.

She hadn't heard from him since he'd hung up the previous afternoon, and she'd had too much pride to contact him. But with the sound of his voice, her heart had stopped for a moment, only to pulse back to life with a galloping rate. Dear lord, this was definitely getting out of hand, but how was she to stop herself? Her feelings for Byron had never responded to logic or common sense or even pride. They had the impetus of a runaway roller-coaster and about as much stability

'Yes,' she said, sounding like a schoolgirl who'd just been telephoned by the captain of the football team. 'It's me.'

'Would you be able to come over here this evening after dinner?' he asked abruptly.

'To Belleview?' she was shocked. She hadn't been invited into those hallowed walls since...

Any feelings of excitement or pleasurable anticipation were immediately tainted by dark memories from the past. Belleview was the last place she would choose to be with Byron.

Still, if he wanted her to go there, if he wanted her as much as she was instantly wanting him, then she simply had to go.

'That's right,' he said curtly. 'And I want you to bring Gemma.'

These last words flicked a stinging rebuke across Celeste's silly heart. Her presumption that Byron had rung to organize a romantic rendezvous had been premature, and typically female. After witnessing Gemma's blind love for Nathan, she was extra-sensitive to her own stupidity regarding this man who had done nothing but hurt her.

'And why should I do that?' she lashed out. 'If you want to see Gemma, then come here.'

'That won't work, I'm afraid. I have no way of contacting Lenore back. And she's coming here.'
