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The flap wasn't sealed and it flipped out easily.

Gemma drew the dreaded sheets of paper out of their hiding place, her eyes glazed as they skimmed over the printed report, searching for the name.

It jumped out at her as though it were in neon lights, making Gemma catch her breath with shock.

Oh, my God, I don't believe it, came her shaken thoughts. I simply don't believe it! It .. .it's impossible. It doesn't make sense. She can't be my mother. She simply can't be!


Gemma pulled open the passenger door of Byron's Jaguar and climbed in.

'Good God, Gemma!' he exclaimed. 'You're as white as a sheet. What happened? Don't tell me he wouldn't listen to you. And what's that you've got?' he added, staring at the envelope clutched in her hands.

'Nothing. It. . .it's personal,' she said, still shaken by the contents.

Byron frowned down at the envelope for a moment, then shrugged.

'Well, what about Nathan? Did you talk to him?'

'Nathan?' Gemma's heart hardened against her husband in a way she never thought it would. 'Oh, yes, I talked to him, as much as one ever talks to Nathan. He wants a divorce, and, as far as I'm concerned, he can have it.'

'What? But didn't you explain about the mix-up over the play?'

'Yes, but he still doesn't believe me about Damian. Nathan doesn't believe I love him or that I've ever really loved him. Then there are other things as well. .. '

'What other things?'

'Private things, Byron. Things I can't tell you.'

His sigh was full of frustration. 'Is there any point my talking to him?'

'Certainly not today. Maybe not ever. He seemed quite determined to have done with our marriage.'

So determined, Gemma realized bitterly, that he had made sure she found out the one thing she could not forgive.

All Byron could do was wearily shake his head and start the car. 'Where would you like me to take you? Back to Belleview?'

'No. I. . .I would appreciate it if you could drop me off outside Campbell's head office.'

Byron's head snapped round, his expression grim. 'I don't care how stubborn or stupid Nathan has been, Gemma, do not go running to Damian Campbell again, I beg of you. Come .. .let me take you home to Ava. A nice long chat with a sympathetic lady is what you need.'

'I don't want to go to Campbell's to see Damian,' she said shakily. 'I need to see Celeste.'


'Yes.' Gemma had no intention of offering Byron an explanation at this traumatic juncture and he had enough intelligence to quickly size up her fragile yet determined mood.

'All right. But promise you'll take a taxi home to Belleview when you're finished there.'

'I promise.'

It was only a short drive from Elizabeth Bay into the city and within no time Gemma was presenting herself at Reception at Campbell's, where she stood waiting while the receptionist took a couple of incoming calls. This didn't help her underlying agitation, or her growing sense of awe at the amazing set of circumstances that had led to this moment.

'May I help you?' the receptionist asked politely once she finished answering the telephone.

'I need to see Miss Campbell. I don't have an appointment but if you tell her it's Gemma Whitmore and it's very important, I'm sure she'll see me.'

The receptionist spoke briefly to someone on the telephone after which she looked up and flashed Gemma a bright smile. 'Miss Campbell will see you immediately. It's the last door down that corridor. Go straight on in and her secretary will take you to her.'

Celeste was besieged with uncharacteristic butterflies from the moment her secretary came through with the message from Gemma. She waited impatiently for her to be shown in, wondering what could be so urgent. The sudden thought that Gemma might have gone to see Nathan and been assaulted again brought with it a sickening surge which sent her leaping to her feet the moment the door opened.

Worried eyes searched the girl's face as she walked in and closed the door behind her. While she did not look overly distraught, an underlying agitation was evident in her pale face and slightly hesitant movements.

'What is it?' Celeste asked, thoroughly agitated herself now. 'What's happened?'

When Gemma couldn't seem to find her voice, simply standing there with unexpected tears filling her eyes, Celeste almost panicked. Her first instinct was to race around the desk and go to her, but something in Gemma's face kept her rooted to the spot.
