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kept me going when things were so tough. If I hadn't had my vows of vengeance I think I might have killed myself.'

'Oh, no, Celeste. You would never have killed yourself. You're a fighter, and fighters don't know any other way than to come out of their corners with all guns blazing. You sure blazed a path through my life over the years, madam. Whitmore's almost went to the wall because of you.'

Celeste had the grace to color guiltily. 'I might have overstepped the mark occasionally.'

'That's putting it midly. But I forgive you,' he grinned, 'provided you agree to some treaty terms.'

'Treaty terms? What do you think this is, Little Big Horn? And which side are you on? Colonel Custer's or the Indians'?'

'Whatever side won. Now on to the rules of truce.' He slanted her a quick glance. 'I suppose it would be too much to hope that you would hand over control of Campbell's to an impartial manager and retire to graceful living as my wife and social hostess.'

'You wish!' she laughed.

'Just as I thought. In that case I have to insist you stop using unfair and illegal business practices. If I find that Damian has - '

'Damian has been sacked from his position as sales and marketing manager,' she interrupted firmly. 'There will be no more shady goings-on at that level, I can assure you.'

'That's all I wanted to hear. Right! Now on to problem number two. Where are we going to live?'

'Certainly not in that imitation Southern mansion of yours!'

'Surely you don't expect me to reside in that crumbling castle you call home!'

They both looked at each other and laughed.

'We'll buy a brand-new place together,' Byron suggested, smiling.

'Only if I pay half,' Celeste argued.

'Agreed! It'll have to have a gym.'

'And a pool,' she put in.

'And I'd like to be by the sea for a change.'

'Good idea. It'll give me somewhere to put my boat.'.

Byron scowled 'I'd forgotten about that monstrosity. I'll bet it costs a fortune to run.'

'Mmm, it certainly does. Perhaps I should sell it. What do you think?'

'It's up to you.'

Celeste gave him a surprised look. 'You certainly have changed, haven't you? That a most unByron-like answer.'

'You're going to be a most unByron-like wife,' he drawled. 'Maybe I should buy you a chastity-belt for a wedding present.'

She laughed. 'That cuts both ways, lover. Maybe I'll get you one.'

'After having you in my bed every night, I'll be lucky to make it to the office, let alone have the energy to consider extra-curricular activities.'

'From memory, you can be a very bad boy in offices.' He groaned. 'Don't remind me. I still can't believe the sort of things we got up to that last week.'

'We got up to? Everything was your idea, might I remind you. You led and I simply followed.'

'There are followers and followers, Celeste,' he said 'Your brand of following is something else. It's one of the reasons I thought you were more experienced than you were.'

'I loved you, Byron. I wanted to please you.'

'Hey, why the past tense? Don't you still love me and want to please me?'

'Silly man .. .' A lump filled her throat as their eyes locked for a moment.

'It's been a long time, hasn't it?' he said softly, but with a catch in his voice. 'But you've been worth the wait, my love. I hope you feel the same way about me.'

Celeste was incapable of answering. She let her blurred gaze do the talking and Byron's hand reached out for hers across the gear-stick. When she entwined her trembling fingers with his and he gave them a squeeze, her heart squeezed tight with them. It had indeed been a long hard journey, but at long last they were together. They were where they had always belonged. Her vows of vengeance would soon become a different kind of vow, one that would promise to love this man for the rest of her life.

When his hand had to leave hers to negotiate a corner she settled back into the seat with a happy sigh. Aside from her own personal happiness, it felt great to be going to give Gemma good news. Hopefully, their daughter would be pleased that her parents were going to be married. Maybe it would make up a little for her distress over the break-up of her own marriage. Celeste certainly hoped so.

'I still can't believe it!' Ava said for the umpteenth time over dinner. 'It was enough of a shock when Gemma came home earlier and announced that you two were her parents, but now that I've heard the whole fantastic story I'm ... I'm speechless!'
