Page 58 of A Man Without Mercy

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‘So what is it you’re trying to say, Jack?’ she said, desperately trying to hide her wretchedness. ‘You don’t want me any more? Is that it?’

His eyes widened, his head jerking back. ‘Good God, woman, nothing could be further from the truth. Not want you any more? I want you every minute of every day. I love you, Vivienne, so much that not being able to say the words is slowly killing me. I can’t play this game any more. I thought I could wait till you fell in love with me before I said anything but I find I can’t. Seeing this place tonight...this absolutely glorious place...I don’t want to ever live here by myself. I want to live here with you. As husband and wife.’

‘Husband and wife?’ she choked out.

Jack could see that he’d shocked her but nothing was going to stop him now that he’d opened his mouth and said something. ‘Yes, I know I said I didn’t want to get married and have children,’ he raved on. ‘But that was before I fell in love with you, Vivienne. Love changes things. It makes you want more. And, yes, I know it’s probably still too soon for you. But do you think you might possibly come to love me one day? You already like me, I know, and you like having sex with me, so loving me is not such a big leap.

‘I promise you that, if you marry me, I will do everything in my power to make you happy. I will never cheat on you. Never. And I’ll give you anything you want. You can have a hundred children, if that’s what you want. No, wait...perhaps not that many...but two or three, or even four, I would consider. Three is not a good number. Yes, four would be good. So what do you say, my darling, beautiful Vivienne? Would you at least think about it?’

She didn’t say a single word. She just stared at him, then burst into tears.

Oh God, Jack thought frantically. What did that mean? Was she happy or sad?

Naturally, he gathered her into his arms—naturally—holding her against him till the weeping subsided to the occasional hiccup. By which time Jack was frozen to death standing out there in the wind.

‘I think we should go inside,’ he said and steered her back into the living room, shutting the door behind them.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said unhappily. ‘I shouldn’t have said anything. I told myself to be patient but I’m not a patient man. Now I guess I’ve ruined everything.’

‘No no,’ she denied hurriedly, her green eyes glistening as she stared up at him. ‘You haven’t ruined anything.’

‘I haven’t?’

‘Jack, I’ve been in love with you for ages.’

‘You have?’

‘Yes. I didn’t want to say anything either, because I was hoping you might fall in love with me in the end. And, yes, of course I’ll marry you, my wonderful, marvellous, adorable, darling Jack.’ And she reached up to lay two warm hands against his still-cold cheeks.

It was weird, Jack thought, that happiness could make a grown man cry. He struggled to blink away the moisture which suddenly pooled in his eyes. But it was no use. This was one battle he would not win.

And then it was her hugging him, telling him over and over how much she loved him. They cried together, then kissed, then laughed at each other, calling each other silly fools for not being honest. After that, they went downstairs and opened the champagne to celebrate their happiness before heading back upstairs to cement their love the way couples had been cementing their love since time began.

The curry wasn’t eaten till later that night. Much, much later.


IT   WAS EARLY   summer, three weeks before Christmas. The sky was clear and blue, the air warm   and the bride very beautiful.

Not that his Vivienne was ever anything short of beautiful,   Jack thought as he held both her hands and looked deep into her lovely green   eyes.

They were standing on the same balcony where it had begun all   those months ago. The marriage celebrant stood with his back to the view whilst   the guests gathered on each side of the bride and groom to witness the ceremony.   Not that there were all that many guests. Aside from Jack's mother and George,   there was only Marion and her new English husband, Will, along with Jack’s two   sisters, husbands and children. Of course, Jack’s family already adored   Vivienne. But who could not? She was a genuinely lovely person.

Jack had bought her an engagement ring the very next day after   his proposal, a large baguette diamond with emeralds on the shoulders to match   her eyes. But they’d waited till Francesco’s Folly’s refurbishment was actually   complete to get married.
