Page 28 of Bought: One Bride

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“We’ve only been out once together before tonight,” Holly said. “For dinner last Saturday night. But what I know, I like. Still, I would never consider marrying any man I didn’t love. Or who wasn’t madly in love with me.”

“Yes, well, we women all think that at some time in our lives,” Alanna remarked ruefully. “Sometimes it’s better to settle for something less…intense. Something less dangerous.”

Holly blinked. “Dangerous? What do you mean by dangerous?”

“Men who are madly in love can become very jealous, and irrational. Even violent. I prefer a less volatile relationship, especially in a marriage. Reece and I have a wonderful understanding of each other’s needs. He gives me what I want and I give him what he wants. We’re a darned good team, even if I say so myself.”

She looked Holly up and down with thoughtful eyes. “You’re a very attractive girl, but a few years younger than most of the women at Wives Wanted. When you get older, you might think differently. But if you want my advice, you could do a lot worse than to marry Richard. He’s a good man.”

“He hasn’t asked me to marry him. I’m not sure he ever will.”

“Oh, I think he will.”

Holly didn’t know whether to feel flattered, or furious.

“If he does, then I’ll be saying no,” she said firmly, and told herself she meant it. “Especially if he’s still in love with his wife. Which his mother warned me is the case.”

“Does that bother you?”

“Yes, it does.”

“In that case, definitely don’t marry him,” Alanna said with a hint of coldness in her voice. “Jealousy is a curse. Now, I must get back to my guests. I’ll just make sure I’m still decent first.”

When she turned around to check the back of her dress in the long mirror hanging on the powder-room door, Holly’s eyes widened. She’d thought her own dress was borderline in modesty but the back of Alanna’s dress—which she hadn’t seen earlier—left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

Mainly because there was no back. The only thing stopping the entire creation from sliding off her slender curves were the spaghetti straps that crossed at her shoulder blades and attached at the sides just above her waist.

What had Holly really staring, however, was how low the dress was cut at the back, plus the way it clung to Alanna’s well-toned buttocks. No way could she be wearing any underwear at all!

“Reece likes me to dress sexily, but I think he’s gone a bit too far this time,” Alanna remarked as she tried to hitch the dress higher, all to no avail. “I’m going to start choosing my own evening gowns in future. Are you finished in here, Holly? If so, we can go back together. But not a word about this conversation to the men.”

“Absolutely not,” Holly agreed.

But Alanna had given her plenty to think about.

She still wasn’t convinced Richard ever intended asking her to marry him. It seemed more likely he just wanted some sex from her. Surely, he would marry someone more like his wife. Someone older and more sophisticated and better educated. Someone from this Wives Wanted agency.

And if you’re wrong, Holly? What if he is targeting you as the next Mrs Richard Crawford?

A tiny shiver rippled down her spine by this thought. So much for her declaration that she wouldn’t marry a man who wasn’t madly in love with her!

Still, Alanna’s marriage to Reece seemed to be successful, she reasoned. Maybe a loveless marriage could work. Provided the sex side of things was all right.

No doubt Alanna didn’t mind sleeping with her very handsome husband.

But for how long? Yes, how long before Alanna began to feel as if she was just being used, till she realised that her role in her husband’s life was little more than that of a trophy wife?

Was that what Richard wanted of her?

Holly wished she felt more repulsed by the idea of being Richard’s trophy wife. She’d talked holier than thou to Alanna, but would she really say no to marriage, if he ever asked her?

Holly was quite grateful to return to the party with her hostess by her side. With all these thoughts tumbling through her head, she needed someone with her as a buffer. She didn’t want to say anything to Richard to spoil their night together and she was afraid she might do that. Her temper was already simmering at his not being open and honest with her.

Logic came to her rescue before her resentment could boil over. Why would Richard have told her about his being a client of Wives Wanted? A man of his personality and pride would keep such a thing a secret.

But what on earth was the attraction of a matchmaking service with these two men? They could have their pick of women. Surely.
