Page 50 of Bought: One Bride

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Holly had been very excited about their plans. So why had she risked spoiling everything with such provocative comments? She might not be ignorant, but she was a complete idiot!

“I’m sorry, Richard,” she said swiftly. “I wish I hadn’t said any of that. It sounded petty. And bitter. I’m a bit touchy about education. Connie used to lord it over Dad that she had some fancy arts degree. Katie went to university as well, and of course Dad paid for it all.”

“I can well understand why you would feel resentful, Holly,” he said. “Don’t apologise for your feelings. You’re a human being, not a saint. But higher education can be highly overrated. As far as money is concerned, everyone likes having money and I’m no exception. I’ve worked very hard accumulating lots of it and I enjoy the power it gives me. It is satisfying to be able to buy just about anything you want. I won’t deny that, either. You wouldn’t be sitting here with me now if it wasn’t for my money.”

“Don’t say that!”

“Why not? It’s true.”

Clearly, from his point of view, however, he had bought her. Lock, stock, and barrel.

“There were other considerations,” she felt forced to say. “I would not have made my proposition in the first place if I hadn’t liked you as much as I do.”

“And if the sex wasn’t as good,” Richard added with a dry laugh, even whilst his heart twisted.

It was his own silly fault, of course. He’d set out to bind her to him through sex.

He seemed to have succeeded all too well.

How perverse it was to find that he now resented Holly liking his lovemaking as much as she obviously did. No doubt the reason for her stroppiness this morning was frustration. Three whole days without an orgasm! Underneath, she was probably panting for him to take her straight to the hotel, and to bed.

The thought both repelled and excited him.

“You said it would be all systems clear for a resumption of relations today, didn’t you?” he asked with a long sidewards glance, noting the instant pink in her cheeks.

Yet it was very cool in the car, the air-conditioning doing a good job of keeping the heat out. Outside, the temperature was thirty degrees, the sun very bright.

“Yes,” she said tautly.

“Just as well we’re not far from the hotel then,” he muttered, his own body already stirring.

Richard had chosen the Wrest Point Casino to stay in, not because of the gambling facilities, but because it was one of Hobart’s top hotels. Situated on a point overlooking the water, the circular tower building boasted five-star rooms, all with magnificent views of the river, which was as wide as it was deep.

A circular driveway led up to the entrance of the hotel, a smartly dressed parking valet jumping to attention as soon as Richard stopped. The reception staff was just as efficient, and they were soon riding the lift up to their allotted floor. Their luggage was just being delivered as they reached the door, Richard giving the young man a tip, even though he didn’t have to. Australia was not large on tipping, but Richard had found it was never a bad idea.

Money did smooth one’s path in life, he thought ruefully as he ushered Holly into their five-star room. It bought you the best of accommodation, and the most accommodating of women.

Despite his throbbing erection and Holly’s admission that his lovemaking was one of the reasons she was here, Richard resisted the temptation to pull her into his arms as soon as the porter departed. Instead, he strolled across to the window, pretending that he found the magnificent water view much more interesting than Holly.

When he slowly turned, he found her standing there in the middle of the spacious room, looking slightly confused, and incredibly sexy.

Not that she was dressed sexily. Her white shorts were a modest length and her simple pink blouse didn’t cling. Her long tanned legs were bare, however, and her hair was down, the way he liked it. Her make-up was zilch, other than a touch of red lipstick.

“Are you angry with me for some reason?” she asked at last.

“Not at all,” he lied.

“Then why are you acting like this?”

“Like what?”

“Like you don’t want to make love to me.”

“You want me to make love to you?” he said, hating himself for being such an idiot.

“I thought that was what you wanted, too.”

“I need to have a shower first. We’ve been travelling all day and I feel hot and sticky. Of course, you’re welcome to join me, if you like…”

Let her make love to him, if that was what she wanted so much. With her hands and her mouth.

She stared at him the way she’d stared at him the first day he’d met her, her eyes totally inscrutable. If only he knew what she was thinking…
