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‘Well, well, well,’ Isabel mused. ‘That’s good news. That’s very good news indeed.’

‘I thought so too.’

‘We have reason to hope, then, don’t we?’ Isabel said, feeling more optimistic over this relationship than she had all evening.

‘We do, Isabel,’ Rachel agreed and smiled at her best friend. ‘Now, no more talk about Justin. I want to see all the goodies you brought back from Hong Kong.’


‘WHAT are you thinking about?’ Rachel asked dreamily.

They were in bed together, post-dinner with Isabel and Rafe, post-coitus, both on their backs, both staring up at the bedroom ceiling.

Justin didn’t answer immediately, since the truth was out of the question. How could he possibly tell her he was thinking that if she wasn’t on the Pill they might have just made a baby together, or, even more amazingly, that he wished that were the case?

Ever since Rachel had told him that story tonight about Rafe deliberately getting Isabel pregnant to get her to marry him, he’d been having the most incredible thoughts. He knew he didn’t love Rachel. Hell, how could he when he still loved Mandy? Yet here he was, wanting her to be the mother of his child. And maybe even his wife!

Was he losing his mind? Or had Rachel’s also asking him if he’d wanted children when he was married to Mandy made him realise just how much he had wanted children? Losing the woman he loved to another man didn’t mean he had to lose the chance of having a family of his own, did it?

Another remark of Rachel’s tonight came back to tantalise his mind, and torment his conscience.

Wanting something badly enough can make you bold.

Would it be bold to tell Rachel he’d fallen in love with her and wanted to marry her? Or was that just plain bad?

‘Justin?’ Rachel prompted, but Justin closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Better not to answer right now. The lies could wait. Till the time was right.

He heard Rachel eventually sigh, then turn over and go to sleep, but he didn’t sleep for quite a while. He was too busy planning his strategy for getting Rachel to fall in love with him.

Taking her to his mother’s for lunch tomorrow was an excellent first move. But it would only be the first of many.

Justin hadn’t realised till that moment how bold he could be when he wanted something badly enough. Or how ruthless.

‘Rachel, my dear!’ Alice exclaimed shortly after opening her front door to them. ‘I hope you don’t take offence but you look simply marvellous! I can hardly believe it.’

Rachel laughed and didn’t take offence. ‘It’s a bit of an improvement from the last time you saw me, isn’t it? No more dreary black for starters.’ In deference to Alice’s suggestion that blue would suit her, she was wearing a blue silk trouser suit that did look very well against her colouring. Her hair had taken ages to do that morning, and so had her make-up, but it was worth it to see the expression of surprise and pleasure on Alice’s face.

‘And Justin, love,’ Alice said, her gaze swinging over to check out her son from top to toe. ‘You’re looking ten years younger yourself. Whatever you’ve been doing with Rachel, keep it up.’

‘Mum. Really.’

‘Oh, don’t go all prudish on me. You know I can’t stand it when you do that. It reminds me of your father, who, might I add, was not in any way prudish behind closed doors. He just liked to act that way in public. Come along, you two. Come through to the back terrace. I’ve got a nice cold lunch all set out there, with a couple of delicious bottles of Tasmanian wine for us to try.’

‘Like father, like son,’ Rachel whispered to Justin when he took her arm and guided her down the long central hallway.

‘Behave yourself,’ he rasped back. ‘Or I’ll put you over my knee when I get you home tonight.’

She shot him a cheeky look. ‘Would you? You promise?’

‘Have some decorum,’ he said, but smilingly. ‘We’re at my mother’s.’

‘What are you two whispering about?’ Alice shot over her shoulder.

‘I was telling Justin how much I like your house,’ Rachel said.

‘Which reminds me, Mum. I want you to show Rachel your teapot collection later. She’s into pottery and knick-knacks.’

‘Oh, wonderful. I’ll take her to a few auctions with me. We’ll have such fun.’

They emerged onto the sun-drenched back terrace that looked like a new addition to the house, which was federation-style and inclined to be a little dark inside with smallish windows. Cosy, though, from what Rachel had glimpsed during her journey down the hallway. The terrace, however, looked like something that belonged to an Italian villa, with a lovely vine-covered pergola overhead and large terracotta tiles providing an excellent floor for the rich cedar-wood outdoor setting.
