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Jess’s mouth fell open. It was still open when Ben put his phone back in his pocket.

‘Please don’t say no, Jess. My father died of a massive coronary last night. I can’t bury him alone,’ he said brokenly.

Jess’s heart turned over at the raw grief in his face. Even if she had decided not to go to New York with him if he asked again, she would say yes to this. How could she turn her back on the man she loved when he was at his most vulnerable? Because, of course she loved him. She couldn’t deny it any longer. Not to herself, anyway.

‘Yes, of course I’ll come with you,’ she said gently.

‘Thank you. I don’t know what I would have done if you’d said no. I need someone I care about by my side, Jess. If you’re there, I’ll make it through.’

Jess’s breath caught at his words. ‘You really care about me, Ben?’

‘Yes, of course I do. You care about me too, don’t you? I refuse to believe you’re just with me for the sex.’

‘Of course I’m not!’ she blurted out, shocked that he would think such a thing.

He sighed a deep sigh. ‘That’s a relief. Let’s go inside and start making plans.’

His mother’s apartment was as she’d imagined it to be. Very spacious and modern with large windows, polished wooden floors and Italian leather furniture.

‘I’ll get onto the airline,’ Ben said, ‘whilst you ring your parents. You do have a current passport, don’t you?’ he added sharply.

‘Yes,’ she answered.

‘Good. I’ll make my calls from the kitchen. You stay here.’

Her mother answered on the second ring, her voice anxious.

‘What is it, Jess? Have you had an accident?’

‘No, Mum,’ she said, then launched into an explanation of events.

‘And you’re going to go back to New York with him?’ her mother said, sounding shocked.

‘Yes, Mum.’


‘As soon as possible. Ben’s on to the airline now.’

‘But you hardly know the man, Jess.’

‘I know him better than I ever knew Colin.’

‘You love him, don’t you?’

‘Yes, Mum. I do.’

‘Does he love you back?’

‘I’m not sure.’

‘You do realise that with his father dying he’ll be a very rich man.’

‘Yes, Mum. I’m not stupid.’


‘We’ll talk more when I get home, Mum,’ she said as Ben walked back into the room. ‘Gotta go.’

‘Well?’ she asked Ben straight away.

‘Our flight leaves first thing in the morning. We’ll have to leave here around four to be there on time. But we can sleep on the plane. We’re flying first class.’

First class, Jess thought with less enthusiasm than most girls would have had. She’d never flown first class before. But that was what Ben probably did every time.

‘What clothes will I need?’ she asked, trying to be practical in the face of her mounting concern.

‘Something black for the funeral, I guess. It’s cool in New York so make sure you have a jacket. Other than that, just trousers and tops and a dress for going out at night. I can buy you anything else you might need.’

Jess conceded that he could certainly afford to buy her anything she needed, now that he was a billionaire. But she didn’t want him to do that. She didn’t like him thinking he could buy her as well if he wanted to.

Just what was she supposed to be by his side? Girlfriend or mistress?

She doubted he had fiancée in mind. But who knew? Love did make one hope.

‘How long will you want me to stay?’ she asked, doing her best to sound nonchalant.

For ever, Ben thought. But he knew it was too soon to say that. Too soon to tell her that he loved her. He wished now he hadn’t said as much to Amber. She was sure to be at the wake and she might say something.

Well, too bad if she did. It was the truth.

‘As long as you like,’ he answered. ‘It’s up to you.’


THEY BOTH MANAGED to sleep on the very long flight to New York, which was just as well, because as soon as they landed and were allowed to use their mobile phones again it was all systems go. Ben didn’t stop making phone calls during the rather long, slow drive from the airport to wherever his apartment was located. Jess did send her mother a text saying they had arrived safely but her attention was more on her surrounds. She had never seen so many tall buildings, so many people or such thick traffic. Sydney was small compared to New York. She stopped herself just in time from gushing when she spotted the Empire State Building. She wasn’t there as a goggle-eyed tourist but as Ben’s support system during this very difficult time for him.
