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‘I did. Very much so. Okay, we’ll keep the fun and games for special occasions, and weekends in nicely private cottages. Now, take me to Fab Fashions.’

* * *

Helen was surprised when Jess walked in on the arm of the most handsome man she’d ever seen. He reminded her of a young Brad Pitt.

‘Hello, Helen,’ Jess said, looking oddly sheepish. ‘This is Benjamin De Silva, the American businessman who took over Fab Fashions.’

‘Please call me Ben,’ the American said and extended his hand. ‘Jess has been telling me about the difficulties you’ve encountered since my order came through for you to make a profit before Christmas or be closed.’

Helen shook his hand whilst wondering what on earth was going on here.

‘I just wanted to personally deliver a new order to you. There will be no closing down, and come the New Year there will be huge changes to Fab Fashions. A new name and brand-new stock, plus an extensive advertising campaign to go with it. Till then, I’d like you to put all of your current stock on sale at fifty-percent off. Get rid of it all. Oh, and one more thing—Jess has just agreed to become my wife.’

Jess was still smiling when Ben steered her out of the shopping centre ten minutes later.

‘Did you see the look on Helen’s face when you said we were engaged?’ she said.

‘She did seem a little shocked.’

‘Shocked? She couldn’t speak for a full minute and that’s not like Helen at all.’

‘Well, she soon made up for it. What do you think of her idea of stocking more accessories for the clothes?’

‘It’s a good one. Ladies love accessories. We already had a few bits of jewellery, but that could be increased, and I think some scarves, handbags and even shoes could do well.’

‘We’ll have to invite her to the wedding,’ Ben said. ‘She’s nice.’

‘She is. And so is her husband.’

‘Then we’ll invite them both.’

Jess’s heart swelled with pride at the man by her side. He’d changed in so many ways. Still a ‘take charge’ kind of man, but she liked that about him. Still charming too. But there was more sincerity behind his charm. More depth of feeling.

‘So, where have you parked your car?’ she asked once they were out on the pavement. ‘You do have a car this time, don’t you?’

‘Yes, I rented one till I knew whether I was going to actually buy a car or a plot in Wamberal Cemetery in anticipation of my throwing myself off a cliff after you turned me down again.’

Jess sucked in sharply. ‘You wouldn’t have done that, would you, Ben?’

‘Nah. I would have gone back to New York, become a movie producer and made millions.’

‘You’re not going to become a movie producer here, are you?’ Jess said, horrified at the thought.

‘Are you kidding me? I’m going to buy myself a place on the beach, have half a dozen kids and take up golf.’

‘You’re not going to work?’

‘Well, I do have Fab Fashions to sort out. I also might go into business with your dad, doing up vintage cars. I was very impressed with what he’s done with that Cadillac. I could be the money man and he could do the actual work.’

‘Sounds good to me, provided you’ve got enough money left to support me and all those children.’

‘I have more than enough. Now, whilst we’re making serious plans here, when can we actually get married? I’d like to do it asap.’

‘Ben De Silva, I’m going to have a proper wedding. And I aim to plan it all myself. That takes time.’

‘How much time? It only takes a month to get a licence.’

‘It’ll be Christmas in just over a month, which is a big celebration in our family. No way can our wedding be organised before then.’

‘What about January? Or February?’

‘I don’t like January or February for weddings either. It’s way too hot. How about March?’

‘I can live with March,’ Ben said. ‘Just.’

‘March it is, then,’ Jess said happily. Now, let’s go and tell Mum and Dad the good news.
