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“We have them too,” said Shyla.

Deb started flipping through channels again.

“No, wait! Go back please,” I said. “Can’t we watch the slicer dicer show a little longer? I want to see what else it can do. I need something just like that.”

“I suppose,” said Deb, going back to Pete. I couldn’t believe I was experiencing the luxury of watching him, listening to him. It was amazing. He looked adorable. He was so animated and expressive. I couldn’t believe he was mine.

“I think this guy is kind of cute,” said Shyla. “I’ve seen him do other infomercials. There’s just something about him. I mean, he’s no Bellamy,” she added quickly, since we’re never safe from scrutiny.

“I don’t think he’s the least bit cute,” said Deb. “I think he’s way too obnoxious.”

“I’ll bet he’s totally different in real life,” I said.

“Maybe,” said Deb skeptically.

“Are you watching television?” snapped the girl who had just powdered my nose. She looked horrified, like she’d just caught all of us smoking crack.

“They said it was okay,” said Shyla.

“Who said that?”

“Um, I’m not sure what their names are.”

“I think you’d better turn it off and join the others. It’s almost time to head back home. Don’t forget that you all have a cocktail party you need to get ready for tonight.”

We stood up. I took one last look at Pete’s face.

“Geez, Emma, we’ll all chip in and get you one of those slicers, okay?” said Deb.

I nodded and the sapphires bounced against my neck. Oh right, that’s what I was selling my soul for. I followed the others out of the trailer, determined that I would make this my last cocktail party on Bellamy’s Redemption.

Chapter 15

Vanessa and I were sitting away from the other girls since we were safe from elimination once again. Tamika from Topeka was sitting with us too, having earned herself a pair of earrings as well. The cocktail party had been going on for hours. Since Bellamy only had to send one woman home after the surprise of losing Delores and Cashmere earlier in the day, we thought the party might wrap up early. But it seemed he was having trouble choosing whom to let go. Thirty minutes ago we’d been told to get ready for the filming of the elimination ceremony, yet here we sat, as girls struggled to steal another moment with him.

“Did you hear,” said Vanessa, “that Delores and Cashmere had to give back their bracelets when they left?”

“What?” I asked, touching my sapphire earrings. They felt like part of my body. I’d rather lose a finger. “Do you mean we don’t get to keep our jewels unless we win?”

“If you get eliminated at a ceremony or some other scripted elimination you can keep them, but if Bellamy or the producers kick you off for bad behavior you have to give everything back,” said Tamika.

“What constitutes bad behavior?” I asked, imagining my plan to tell them tomorrow about the huge mistake I was making.

“Oh, anything could be bad behavior. Like, if you had a boyfriend at home that would be really bad behavior,” said Tamika.

“Um, that makes sense,” I said.

“Alright, ladies, take your places,” said Catalina Cartwright. Tonight she was dressed in a white tuxedo with sparkly red jewel-encrusted shoes. Her hair was slicked back and her lips were so dark red they were nearly black. I stood between Vanessa and Tamika, trying to ignore the glares coming our way. If I was going to wait until Bellamy sent me home on his own, I was going to have to become a lot more… what? What was it that he liked about me anyway? I decided that whoever he sent home tonight, I would become that person.

“Hi ladies,” said Bellamy, entering the room, nervously smoothing his pants. “I’ve made my decision.”

The other girls had gathered into a bunch, each standing on a small X of masking tape on the floor, with just enough room between them to properly show off their evening gowns. Some were taking deep breaths and wringing their hands. A few were smiling in pained, cheerful ways, but most looked serious and worried.

I stifled a yawn, wondering what Pete was doing. Then I thought about my job, especially Mrs. Norman Fillmore and her houndstooth obsession, wondering how my boss was dealing with her. Next my mind wandered to my mom and dad, and I felt a little sad. I stifled another yawn.

Meanwhile, Mylar, Shar, Deb, and Aubrey had all

endured the painful-but-worth-it receiving of sapphire earrings and had joined us in the safe zone. Watching Bellamy give them earrings had been like watching someone play pin the tail on the donkey with daggers. It didn’t help that with each girl he saved, Vanessa flinched and cringed as if she were watching a horror movie. I wasn’t sure how she’d made it through medical school considering how much the sight of a little blood set her off.
