Page 25 of Run Away Baby

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“Abby-from-the-law-office! What are you doing here?”

“Getting some M&M’s,” she said.

“Instead of lunch? That’s no good. Come in with me and have something to eat.”

“I…” she paused, unsure why she wasn’t telling him that she’d already eaten.

“Seriously, those are a pretty unhealthy appetizer. Come and have some real food with me,” he said.

“I guess I could,” she said.

“Great!” He held the interior door open for her. “Have you been here before?” he asked her as they stepped back inside. “For more than their M&M’s, I mean.”

“Uh, once.”

“I eat here at least once a week. Their bacon onion burger is the best. What do you want? My treat.”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” She took out her cash.

“I insist. What would you like?”

“Well, okay. Thank you. How about the walnut and feta salad and an iced tea.”

“Don’t you want a burger?” asked Charlie.

“No thanks,” she said, her cheeks burning as they stood before the guy who’d taken her order an hour earlier.

“So, are you working at the law firm today?” Charlie asked while they waited for their food.

“No. I’m out shopping,” Abby said, staring at the front door. This was, of course, a terrible mistake. Clark or anyone else she knew could walk in at any moment.

“Find anything good when you were shopping?” Charlie asked her.

“A few things,” she said, still keeping an eye on the door.

“Anything you’d want to model for me?” he asked her, leaning in close, his lips practically brushing her ear.


“You wouldn’t want to do that for me?”

“Do what for you?”

“Put on a little show for me?”

She shook her head.

“Am I making you nervous?” he asked.


“A little bit maybe?”

“Stop it,” she said.

“Okay. I’m done messing with you,” he said, laughing.

“I’m surprised to see you here,” she said. “Aren’t you normally way past this part of town by now?”
