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She laughed and the conversation moved on to other things. All this while Star was all too conscious of everything he said and everything he did. It was as though no other person in the room existed—only him. With his prominent masculinity and that particular look that came into his eyes when he happened to glance her way, with…oh gracious, she thought, what was happening to her?

At some point Star and Georgina fell into feminine conversation. With all of Georgina’s modern and controversial opinions, she actually enjoyed clothing and fashion. They put their heads together as Lady Sefton’s Ball was coming up and they had to plan their wardrobe.

The gentlemen obviously took this as their cue to leave. The ladies watched them exit and waited for the sound of the front door closing, before grabbing one another’s hands and squealing.

Star was the first to actually speak, “What do you think of them?”

“What I thought when you first introduced me to Jules Stamford,” Georgina replied with a soft sigh that sounded wistful to Star. “He is a dear man and quite an exceptional gentleman.” She eyed Star, “He seems quite taken with you.”

“Does he? I can’t agree with you there. I am not at all his type. Perhaps he is momentarily diverted because I am so different than what he is used to. I would never be able to make him happy. Never mind Jules, what of Sir Edward? What do you think of him?”

“Ah, now there is a very dashing, handsome man, but I don’t have his measure yet.”

“He is intriguing though…isn’t he? And all that stuff about having his heart broken is interesting, isn’t it? I would have thought he would be the heartbreaker.”

“Hmmm, I do agree with you on that, but it doesn’t matter. Does it?” She touched her friend’s hand, “Star, don’t be making him out to be some knight in shining armor, because I am fairly certain, he is not that.”

“Oh Georgie, when did I ever give you the impression that I was holding out for a knight in shining armor, for I am not. I am holding out for love…wherever that might take me.”

“Widgeon,” pronounced her friend with a musical laugh.

While the ladies went on about beaus, clothing, the waltz and the cotillion, the gentlemen made their way to the stables.

With his hands clasped behind his back, Jules turned to Sir Edward and asked, “Was she not the most beautiful creature you have ever seen? So lively, so easy at conversation.”

“Jules, how can you come out of your blue devils for a woman you claimed to be in love with and jump right into the fire for a chip of a girl?”

“Oh well,” Jules shrugged. “I wasn’t in love, was I? Stands to reason I wasn’t for I didn’t pine overly long, did I? And Miss Berkley is not a chip of a girl. She is…” he frowned and stared at his friend.

“Yes, I know, the most beautiful creature in the world,” Sir Edward said with resignation.

“Don’t you think so? Tell me, Edward, just what do you think of Miss Berkley?” Jules asked doubtfully.

“You don’t want to know.”

“But I do,” Jules answered on a frown. “I value your opinion.”

“First of all, you shouldn’t be asking. A man in love shouldn’t give a fig what another man thinks. Sometimes, to their detriment. I should have listened to my inner voice and when I didn’t, I made a terrible mistake and crossed the line, Jules. I crossed the line.”

Jules eyed him for a moment, “Yes, you did, but it is over and done with. Now, tell me your true opinion.”

“Right, my opinion shouldn’t matter if she is who you want. However, since you have asked, I will tell you, I don’t think she is the sort to make you comfortable. She will lead you a tiring dance. Yes, she is a beauty, possibly an incomparable beauty. Her features are perfection, her eyes most…but she is an imp of a woman, full of mischief. I repeat, you Jules, you would never be content with such a wife. You say you don’t know yet if you shall enter Parliament, but I think you shall. You need someone who shares your interests, for there will be political functions and you will need a woman who will enjoy being your hostess. You need a woman who will be pleased to be part of that world. From what I can tell, Star has no interest in politics.” He saw his friend about to answer back and put up his hand, “Hold, you asked me, I answered and I will tell you another thing, I like Miss Madison. She is a lovely creature…very full of mystery and elegance, don’t you agree?”

Dumbfounded, Jules did not deem to answer. Instead, he stalked off toward the stables putting distance between himself and his friend. Sir Edward looked after him and shook his head. Jules was making another mistake if he thought Star Berkley would make him a good wife. The wayward Berkley chit, lovely to be sure, was not for such as a man as Jules. Why couldn’t Jules see that? For the same reason you thought the Lady Babs wanted you to abduct her and run off…because a man often forgets to think with his brain when the hard rod in his breeches tries to do the thinking for him.

Chapter Six

A DAY HAD passed and Vern, though better, was still not up and about. His sister had entered his room to find him propped up against his pillows, looking glum. He eyed her as she smiled at him and ruefully put down his book and told her, “If I was just a bit stronger, I think I would hurl this piece of boring nonsense across the room.”

She laughed, “You should read the book you gave me…” She pointed, “I left it there for you on your nightstand. It is funny and romantic and naughty.”

“Female nonsense,” he grimaced with a wink.

“Not at all. I think you would like it,” she returned and sighed.

He eyed her for a moment. His sister for all her country ways and easy style was looking lovelier than ever. She was his baby sister. It was his duty to see that she had something of a season, even if it was only here in the country and not in London as he had hoped. He was inadequate to the task of truly providing for her and he felt like a fiend. A frown descended over his face.

“What is it, darling?” she asked for she immediately saw the change of mood flit over his features.
