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Farley saw that he had made a hit and continued, “Aye, that’s right. By midnight everyone will be well into their cups, servants too and those servants with the barking irons, well… we’ll ‘ave them neatly trussed up and hidden away before we make our move. We’ll be in and out. No one knowing who we are or where we came from and with any good luck, we won’t have to kill any of the swells you speak of.” Farley’s leer was pronounced.

“Then know this,” Vern said refusing to back down. “If you go within a mile of the ball tonight, I’ll see to it that you never do anything of the kind ever again! For I won’t rest until you are dead! Don’t think…a swell is above killing his man. You are out of your element Farley.”

Farley laughed harshly, “Aye, lad, pluck to the backbone ye are, but a killer?” he shook his head. “Oi don’t think so. But we’ll see. It’ll take more than ye and yers to stop me from laying out me kens and twigging me rigs. It will take more than a pup to take down ‘ole Farley.” He moved away now toward the hall door and tossed one final remark over his shoulder. “Oi came ‘ere Oi did to see if ye had any information that might help us get in easy so that no one need get hurt. Oi see ye don’t mean to cooperate with yer old friend. So be it.” He looked at Vern thoughtfully and added, “If ye are so hell-bent against me going to this fine ball…then give me whot Oi want and have done. Tell me where next Oi’ll be finding a place to twig.”

“Do you think I am the sort of man that will cower to your blackmail?” Vern was in a rage. “Get out of here and Farley, remember my warning. I did not issue it lightly.”

Farley looked surprised, and said, “Oi didn’t think ye had it in ye to stand up against me, flash. Oi was hoping ye would give me whot Oi want and Oi would leave yer fancy friends to their ball. Oi’m sorry ye don’t see fit to do the smart thing. Brave lads, often die heroes, but they die…” Farley bowed and made his exit.

Vern stood for a long moment filled with indecision and a certain dread. His sister was at the ball with Georgie. If Farley did indeed decide to do what he said, she could be in danger. Even if she wasn’t in danger, he might get a good look at her and recognize her as the lad she had pretended to be. “Damnation!” he cursed out loud. There was no telling what the devil thief would do. There was no telling how many innocent people might be hurt. He had to get dressed. He had to get to Sefton House and warn them…

Chapter Twelve

STAR’S EYES FLASHED with surprise. People were all whispering and gathering together and all she could see was her brother in a state of disarray.

She looked with uncertainty to Sir Edward as he put a protective hand to her back and led her toward the ballroom doors. She couldn’t believe her ears when she first heard her brother call out for the gentlemen to arm themselves.

She watched as Miles rushed across the flo

or and put a supportive arm around his friend. She couldn’t hear what Miles was saying to Vern, but she imagined it was exactly what she was thinking, which was…what the deuce was going on?

Star looked up at Sir Edward again and said, “I must go to him…”

“Of course,” he said and took her elbow. “Easy my sweet, be easy.” He hovered over her as he led her to her brother. She felt as though her heart was going to burst from her chest and bleed.

Finally, she was able to reach out and grab hold of her brother’s arm and asked fretfully, “Vern, what is it? Why are you here? What has happened?”

She was aware, all too aware that a crowd had gathered and was closing in around them. She could feel their eyes darting between her face and that of her brother’s. Miles shot her a warning glance and said to Vern, “There, there ‘ole boy, let’s get you into another room. Here is your sister, safe and sound, so you have nothing to worry about.” He turned to the crowd and announced, “We have it under control…go back to your dancing.”

Vern reached out and took his sister’s hands. “All my fault…have to warn Sefton, sis. We have to arm the servants…be ready…we have to be ready. They will strike late into the night.”

“Hush, Vern, it is the laudanum. You are having a bad reaction to the medicine, nothing more.” Star also attempted to give the people closing in around them this as an answer to satisfy their curiosity.

Vern tried to break away from Miles and a slight struggle ensued between the two, but Miles was easily able to control his weakened friend. He held him upright and tightly, and tried to lead the struggling man away from the ballroom.

Star bit her lip and found herself leaning into Sir Edward. She could see that her brother was frantic. What was it all about? Was it Farley? He had been about to say something that would ruin them all…but why?

Sir Edward suddenly took charge.

In his quiet and authoritive manner Edward said, “Come along, young lord. We will go into Sefton’s study where we can discuss this matter without worrying the ladies, or the assembled company.”

Her brother seemed to relax under Edward’s guidance and gave up the struggle as Miles helped him along. Star turned once as she followed her brother and saw that Jules had taken Georgie’s hand and pulled her away from the scene. He smiled at the crowd and made a jest with some of the ones closest to the scene.

Star breathed a sigh of relief as she heard Jules tell them that Vern was suffering from the quinsy and that the doctor had prescribed laudanum. He suggested to the crowd that the poor young lord had suffered a bad reaction. This started everyone talking about their various experiences with both the quinsy and laudanum.

Star breathed a thankful sigh of relief as Edward with his arm tightly around her shoulders led her away.

They arrived in the study, where Miles saw Vern seated before closing the door. Vern stared up at Sir Edward and mumbled, “Thank you…not thinking clearly…laudanum…but had to come.”

“Of course you did,” Sir Edward said grimly and he and Miles exchanged a glance of concern.

Star was aware that a considerable stir had been left at their backs and once again without realizing it she looked at Sir Edward. He touched her cheek and said, “You can rest easy. Jules will have everyone talking in circles before long. Do not concern yourself. He is a master at socializing and will have everyone laughing about nothing in particular before very long.” He took her gloved hand to his lips and whispered encouragingly, “Stay close to me and I promise, all will be well.”

Though still anxious, she felt somehow safe. She felt as though Sir Edward would set everything right. She smiled gratefully at him for he was quite right. She had seen Jules in action and she was certain he would do just as Edward said.

“Now my lord, would you tell us what the problem is? What brought you here like this?” Sir Edward asked gently.

“Indeed, tell us at once, Vern,” Star encouraged.

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