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Jules beamed with pleasure and his eyes connected with hers as he said, “You heard the lady, sir, now out with it.”

“Well, I don’t mean to cast a rub at your expectations,” Miles said apparently trying to stall. “The truth is… I just don’t know what I can tell you. Vern was fevered, seemed to want Star to go home with him. Sir Edward thought it best to allow her to do just that and accompanied them in your carriage. That is the long and the short of it.”

Georgie’s eyes narrowed. She knew him and knew he was not telling the truth, “You know more and don’t mean to tell us. You know I am staying the night with Star and I shall badger her for an answer later.”

“Ah, yes, badger Star. Good notion, that,” Miles agreed, definitely pleased to be free from interrogation. He suddenly looked as though he had an idea and put a finger up to say, “Is that a waltz I hear being struck up? Indeed, it is a waltz. Miss Madison, will you do me the honor of waltzing with me?”

Georgie looked flabbergasted but laughed and said, “Miles, I never know what you are about, but indeed, I shall waltz with you.”

Jules looked as though he were about to object, but stood quietly by frowning darkly, apparently displeased with this outcome.

As they moved to the lively melody, Miles said sternly, “Georgie, if you mean to be friend to both Vern and Star, you won’t ask anymore questions in front of strangers, like Jules Stamford.”

“Why, what are you saying? Is Vern in trouble? What is it, Miles?”

“Trouble?” Miles looked suddenly distressed. “No, no, I did not mean to imply that and there is no reason to believe that…what I mean is…well private matters must remain private.”

“Miles! What is it? Something must be very off, something awful has happened, hasn’t it? What?”

“No, no, but it is just that strangers may not understand, you see.”

“Oh my faith! What has Vern become embroiled in?” Georgie knew in her heart for some weeks that something had been troubling Vern. She had noticed the little things left unsaid.

“I have nothing to tell. I cannot. I gave my word.”

Ah, she thought. She understood—it was a thing of honor. Miles would not be budged on this. “Very well, sir. If you won’t—can’t tell me, you know Star will tell me.”

“Indeed, I think she may,” he answered.

Suddenly all attention was diverted to the other side of the ballroom where the punch bowl reposed on a linen covered table. There was apparently a jolly colonel of some merry reputation present. As he dipped one more time into the bowl, he noticed his reflection in the light colored champagne libation and grinned at what he saw therein.

He had apparently dipped quite a few times already. His intimates standing nearby noticed and laughed out loud as they wondered how it was he was still standing. He then found something amusing and roared with laughter just before he passed out, going head first into the bowl.

A roar of raucous mirth ensued as his friend rushed to save him from drowning and dowagers clucked their tongues with disapproval. Quite a stir continued for some moments and Miles found that Georgie was distracted enough for him to slip away.

Miss Madison found Jules coming immediately to her side. He maneuvered her away from the hubbub with ease. They regarded one another and burst into laughter. She touched his chest without thinking and felt a shockwave of sensation.

His hand covered hers and their eyes locked. Oh, oh my, thought Georgie…dare I hope?

Chapter Thirteen

STAR BENT OVER her brother and adjusted the covers around him. She pushed a stray strand of hair off his forehead and dropped a kiss on his cheek. “There, you may be my elder, but you are far more trouble than I ever was to you or Papa,” she said on a giggle.

He grinned at her, but he was fast drifting off into the sleep he badly needed, “Go on, little sister. I am sorry I’ve ruined the ball for you, but I was so…convinced…”

“Never mind. You have not ruined it. You have quite made it the event of the season. I do believe the Seftons have never before had such excitement at one of their affairs. They are no doubt quite thrilled.”

Sir Edward smiled and touched her arm to say softly, “Come Star, I think he will sleep now.”

She allowed him to take her ungloved hand and lead her out of the room. However, he could feel her tense. She was worried about what he was going to ask her. He knew something now beyond a shadow of a doubt. Her brother was in dire straits.

He had suspected it earlier during the day when he saw brother and sister together and then tonight when he saw Vern walking into the ballroom.

It had not been a Berkley cousin he had seen that night in the Mermaid Inn, but Star. She had tried to pretend she was a male relative to cover for her brother, but when he looked into her eyes, he knew at once, the lad at the Mermaid and Star were one and the same. She was impulsive. She was heady and lively, but she would not have done such a horrendous thing had her brother not requested it of her, and he would not have asked it of her had things not been gravely serious.

What could possibly have sent her alone into such a place? What sort of tangle was the young lord embroiled in?

Hell and Brimstone, why should he care? However, he did care, probably too much. He couldn’t fathom why, but he did.

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