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She sighed, “Oh Vern, he is so much more than that. He is…” she saw her brother’s eyes narrow as he looked at her. “He is such a gentleman,” she decided to say.

“Well, yes and I will tell you that I rather think he is up to every rig. A Corinthian, as well, anyone can see that and I would wager he practices in the ring…handy with his fives. I could tell by the way he carries himself.”

“Yes and his seat…he rides beautifully…” Star added. “And Vern…his eyes, he has such speaking eyes.”

Vern sat up straight, “Does he, by God! And have they been speaking to you?” He wagged a finger at her and before she could answer him, continued in an admonishing tone, “I’ll tell you what, m’girl, I don’t know him all that well, but I know that you are, for all your managing ways, just a green chit and not up to his rig! He’ll break your heart, and not even know he has done it.”

She contemplated her brother for a long moment and said, “Yes, I suppose you are right, except he would know because he is up to every rig as you have said. I suppose he would chalk it up to a conquest when he wins a woman’s heart.”

“Star, do not tell me you have already lost your heart to him?” Vern seemed genuinely worried.

“Well…never mind, I just think that he is quite…exceptional and yes, I have flirted outrageously with him and enjoyed it,” that was all she was telling Vern. How could she tell him she had already succumbed to the man’s charms and her desires?

“Stay away from him,” Vern told her sharply. “Jules is the man for you and have a notion he means to come up to scratch very soon.”

“Do you? I think he has had second thoughts and I think that is because his attention has shifted to Georgie. He quite stares at her at times,” Star said with a soft smile.

“And that pleases you?” her brother asked on a frown. “Georgie and I…”

“Will not make a match of it. She won’t have someone she thinks of as her brother, so do get over that…it is not about to happen.”

“Never mind, Georgie and me. This is about you,” he said.

“Oh no, it is not,” she laughed and started to get up from the sofa. He pulled her fingers and stayed her.

She eyed him and he said, “You know Miles wants to marry you…and I know you don’t think of him as a brother.”

“No, not quite a brother, but a dear, very dear and womanizing friend. I am not for him and he certainly is not for me,” she answered.

“You know, he has quite set a record he told me and has not kissed a maid for two weeks as he is planning on getting down on one knee for you,” her brother said and barked a laugh.

She giggled, “Absurd, isn’t it? Miles and me? He shall want Marcia next month and faith! I can’t even guess who will be next. He hasn’t lost his heart to me, but one day, he will lose it to someone…hard. One day he will meet his match and be thoroughly besotted.”

Vern laughed, “You know, I do think you are in the right of it there.”

Dilly appeared at the library doors in a mop cap and bright eyed. She seemed more than usually flustered to Star as she bobbed a quick curtsy and said, “Begging yer pardon, Miss and m’lord, but there be a man at the door who won’t go away. Oi told him ye wasn’t in, but he said he would wait.”

“Who is he, Dilly?” Vern asked with a puzzled expression.

“He says his name is Mr. Port and that he is from yer bank. Says it is urgent.”

“Does he?” Vern’s chin was up. He looked at Star, “We are in for it now, sis.” He turned back to Dilly, “You did quite correctly, Dilly, in attempting to put him off, but I am afraid, I shall have to see Mr. Port.”

Dilly sighed and turned to go, as Star touched her brother’s arm and said, “What do you think he wants?”

“Money, sis. ‘Tis time to pay the piper…and I am not sure how we may do that,” Vern answered.

“Will it be very awkward, do you think?” Star asked worriedly as she attempted to compose herself and smooth her hands over her faded soft green morning dress.

“If he has come out to us in the wet cold with the promise of heavy rain, I am afraid so,” Vern answered. “Star, you needn’t be here. Don’t subject yourself to this. Go on to the sewing room and busy yourself.”

Her brother was only just getting back his strength. Why did this have to happen now? She smiled at him and said, “You know I can’t sew to save my life. Mama tried and tried to teach me and I am all thumbs with the needle and thread. So I might as well bear you company, for I do have a head for business and might be able to h

elp you with anything he throws at you.”

“Yes, you do have a good head for business. You manage the stud fees beautifully, but I am afraid, this will be beyond our ability to handle. I tell you what, you being at my side…well, you are deuced good company and the best sister any man could ever hope to have. I only wished I had been better equipped to take care of you.”

“Stop, you are perfect just the way you are,” she answered and turned as Dilly had arrived and announced, “Mr. Thomas Port.”
