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He found Farley sprawled out across the table and took hold of the large man’s shoulder, grabbed at the material of his coat and shook him. “Farley…eh Farley…”

Farley lifted his head and through the fuzz in his mind he managed to recognize Ally and said on a slur, “Whot’s that? What the devil are ye doing?”

* * *

Miles and Vern were in their shirtsleeves. They both felt the anticipation of adventure. Miles grinned and told his friend, “Buccaneers, that’s what we are…riding the high seas, making our fortune.”

Vern laughed, “Grow up.”

“Why?” Miles bantered and sighed. “It is a shame you let the decking get caught by the salt air. It will need some sanding in places and a good polish.”

“Aye, but I won’t be the one having to do it,” Vern said happily and tripped over the mainsail he was attempting to stretch.

Miles burst out laughing and snickered, “Aye, then mate, ye need to get yer sea legs on.”

Vern chuckled good-naturedly, “As though you have them already.”

Miles bent and picked up the object that had caught his eye and held it up, “What is this loose spar doing here?”

Vern shrugged, “Didn’t know what to do with it. It was one left over so I thought I’d keep it near till we found where it goes.”

“One left over?” Miles cried righteously. “Dunce. ‘Tis a good thing you sold this for you’ll never make a sailor.” He set it in its rightful position and stopped short.

Vern followed his friend’s line of vision and sighed to see a very pretty flowergirl passing by. He shook his head as Miles made her a sweeping bow and hailed, “Hull-lo, sweetheart.”

She looked up and rewarded him with an inviting smile. His hand went to his heart and he cried out to her, “I am won, I am yours…as soon as we return, I shall find you.”

She threw him a kiss and he caught it and turned to Vern who was mumbling something incoherent. He grinned and told him, “She has slain me with her eyes.”

“Aye, has she? Well, I mean to do one better and slay you with my fist if ever you make eyes at m’sister again. She is quite right. You are past redemption.”

Miles laughed and returned, “Aye, I fear I wasn’t made for just one beauty.”

“Work the boom, fool,” Vern told him on a short laugh.

“Giving your fair share of orders since we got here,” Miles complained good-naturedly.

“Well and why not? I am the captain,” his lordship smirked.

“That is another thing. Why are you the captain and I only the first mate? It should be the other way around since you don’t know a lick about sailing?”

“Because this was m’father’s boat and I am the captain. However, I mean to leave all the sailing matters to you.” Vern grinned broadly as his friend made a fist and planted it in his shoulder.

A great deal of high spirited name calling ensued along with a great deal of mirth before they were finally under way.

* * *

“Farley…sit up…we have to talk,” Ally said pulling up a chair and straddling it.

“Why? What is wrong with ye?” Farley grumbled.

“It queers me how ye can sleep loike a babe when just outside the window at yer back the hawkers are shouting enough to blow m’ears clean off,” Ally said shaking his head. “Now give me yer full attention.”

“Lor’ bless ye, Ally boy,” Farley said, yawning and stretching his arms high over his head. “Right, Oi’m listening to ye.” He rubbed at his eyes. “So whot’s got ye all set on fire?”

“Seen his lordship, Oi did…”

“Lor’ lad, is that why ye’ve been shaking me till m’head aches?” Farley gave him an ugly frown.
