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Star had been trying to bolster her blue mood while she had prepared herself for this trip, but it had not been easy and she was still feeling low. All she could think was Sir Edward had betrayed them. Where was he? What was he doing? Where had he gone? Would he even bother to come himself and tell them what he had done?

She turned off Berkley drive and took the fork in the road that led to a narrow country road that had been used between Madison and Berkley for years.

A shiver traveled up her spine and she looked around, tense. She frowned and told herself she was just being fanciful and turned her attention back to the road. It wasn’t as dry or dusty as usual because of the rain the day before, but even so, the wheels of her gig churned up a fair amount of dust as they proceeded forward.

All at once, her heart skipped a beat as she saw two riders emerge from the woods lining the right side of the road just ahead.

Star bit her lip as they angled their horses so that they were blocking her way. It was broad daylight for goodness sake, she thought worriedly. Were these highwaymen? Who could they be? High tobys didn’t travel back roads.

Her hand moved ever so slightly and found the small pistol holstered in the corner of her seat. As unobtrusively as she could manage, she slid it into her right hand, and held the reins with her free left hand, while she maneuvered the gun into her lap beneath the folds of her light blue muslin gown.

Oh no, she thought as she realized that one of these men was Farley.

A sure trickle of fear sped through her. What to do? Woods, thick woods lined both sides of the road. No one else was about.

She stopped the horses and her mind worked quickly. Perhaps she could climb down and rush for the forest? It looked thick enough to keep them from making any progress on horseback after her. Then she could backtrack toward Berkley and scream for Jeffries. Would she make it? They could track her on foot and then in the woods bring her down…two men…

Or she could hold her ground and shoot Farley when he approached. Shooting him seemed a good and permanent solution. However, she wasn’t sure she could shoot him and hoped she could instead, escape through the thicket. She took up her gun and started to clamor out of the gig.

Farley put away the short distance between them and the flash mort. Ally was already off his horse and chasing her down. He was on her and grabbed her arm to pull her back toward her open carriage.

She managed to swing around and aim her gun at Ally which made him stand and put his hands in the air. “Eh now, missy…no need for that,” he said.

“Oh, but I think that there is,” Star said sounding cooler than she felt. Her hands were shaking. Her body was trembling, and she knew she was in grave trouble.

Farley laughed and pointed his horse gun at her head, “Shoot him…go ahead. Ye see, Oi don’t care. Then…what m’fine lady?”

“Eh, if that is yer plan, it is a bad one,” Ally shouted.

“Go ahead, Miss Pretty, whot do Oi care? I’ll shoot the gun out of yer hand as soon as ye pull the trigger and then whot? Yer pretty little hand will be ruined for all time…aye, that it will. What will ye get fer yer trouble?” He cocked his gun, “Drop it, or ye will be sorry, Oi promise ye.”

Star knew that he would do it. Could she get a shot off before he did? Could she do something to save herself? The answer stared at her through the barrel of his gun. No. He had this one over on her.

Ally reached out and yanked the gun from her and then in a fury he slapped her hard with the back of his hand.

Star went reeling backward and tripped over a rock, landing hard on the ground and Farley growled, “Don’t be damaging her yet. We still have a bit more to do.”

For a moment, Star was dazed and in shock. She had never received such treatment before. Their ugly faces seemed to fade in and out as she tried to pick herself up when the man called Ally grabbed her by her upper arm and dragged her to her feet. She knew logic would not work and yet, she tried it anywhere, saying quietly, “Don’t you realize what you are doing? My brother will have your heads for this.”

“Aw now, missy, ye know he wouldn’t be up to such bobbery, seeing as it could land him in the same goal when Oi tell them how he helped us rob his rich friends…” Farley laughed over this and then cut himself off. “Ally, we best not waste anymore time on the road here. Stick her in the back of the gig, make certain she is trussed up fine, and cover her with this blanket.” He handed over the blanket as Ally shoved her hard against the side of the open carriage.

What was happening? What were they doing? Egad! They were taking her with them! They were actually abducting her!

Star had to think. She had to do something. Vern wouldn’t even realize anything had gone wrong until later in the day.

She pulled out of his hold, kicked Ally in the knees, stomped down on his foot and then gave him one more boot to the crotch, a trick her brother had taught her many years ago. She beamed with pride as he bellowed with pain and was momentarily immobilized.

However, even as she ran, Farley was off his horse and in her way. He reached for her, grabbed her by her hair and yanked hard even as he hauled off and hit her. It wasn’t with the back of his fist, but with his open palm and it stung. She fell sideways, lost her balance and went down.

She felt her head connect with something sharp and as the pain shot through her, she groaned. Just before she lost consciousness she heard Farley shout. “Come on then, hurry…help me get her trussed up and in the back of the carriage…come on Ally, shake yer shambles!”

* * *

Stamford Manor in Rye was fortunate enough to have a household trained to run the estate as efficiently as Jules’ servants in London. The butler stood at the front door, his eyebrow arched as he regarded the grime-covered, ill-kept man standing before him. He knew better than to admit such a person into the house and he was very doubtful that he should take the note being extended to him for Sir Edward.

His voice dripped with revulsion when he spoke, “Do go away and take that filthy thing with you.” His chin indicated the dirty envelope in the man’s hand. “If you want Sir Edward to read a message from your master, make certain you deliver it in better condition.”


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