Page 11 of Taffeta & Hotspur

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“Why, Lord Tarrant of course,” said Sissy, waving her hand in dismissal. “But forget that … there are others, many others…” her aunt declared as she led her out of the dressmaker’s and then down the street.

“Really?” Taffy rolled her eyes. “As though I would want such as him!”

“What? Don’t be absurd, any young maid would want him … faith, I want him…” Her aunt Sissy laughed like a schoolgirl and made her smile.

A friend called to Sissy and after introducing her, she fell into conversation with her friend. Taffy wandered away to look at the park across the avenue with longing. If only I could just go for a walk alone…

She turned and bumped right into the rakehell Hotspur himself. He held her in place while she looked up and found his twinkling dark eyes perusing her from her bonnet to her toes.

“Well, well…” he said softly, and his voice went right through her, all of her, like a caress. “If it isn’t the little high toby in the flesh…”

“Oh do hush,” cried Taffy with a desperate note. It didn’t occur to her to pull out of his hold, but he dropped his gloved hands and laughed.

“Blushing? No need, never fear sunbeam, I don’t mean to give you away. I have a better way to call in my debt than to torture you with threats of disclosure.”

“I am certain you do,” she said ruefully.

He smirked, “Are you trying to find a way out of your promise?”

“If I could, I would.”

He laughed again and touched her nose, “Then I must call in my debt soon, very soon.”

“You are a scoundrel!” she breathed.

“How astute of you to realize it, though as yet, you have no cause to say it.” he snapped with a frown, his expression turning dark.

“Taffy!” called Nigel from across the avenue, rushing toward her and Tarrant with a worried look flitting over his face.

Tarrant’s eyes twinkled again, and she wondered at it. What did he find so very amusing? She had just called him a scoundrel.

“Glad I found you…” said Nigel, nodding a quick hello to Tarrant and trying to catch his aunt’s attention.

“Why were you looking for me?” Taffy was surprised.

“Well wasn’t, but all the same … need to talk to you…” He turned an apologetic look toward Tarrant, who inclined his head and excused himself to saunter away and down the curbing.

“Whew, what did he want?”

“Never mind him…”

“Never mind him!” said her aunt Sissy, suddenly joining them. “I purposely kept Gertie in conversation so Taffeta could have a private word with Tarrant, and what must you do, Nigel, but burst in on them! How could you? And dearest,” she looked to Taffy, “I did not realize you were acquainted with Tarrant. Of all the good fortune … with all the world watching, his lordship showed a decided preference for you. Oh … this will make your season.”

“What did he want?” Ignoring his aunt, who went on babbling about the number of passersby who noticed the Hotspur smiling and laughing with Taffeta.

Her aunt paused to look at her with some interest, obviously also wondering what Lord Tarrant had wanted. Taffy waved it off. “Oh just the usual…”

Nigel snorted, “I sincerely hope not. Hotspur’s usual is not yours!”

“Stuff!” snapped Lady Taffeta. She had had enough for one morning of everything and everyone.


Lord Tarrant moved off, rounded the corner, and entered the hallowed halls of the famous men’s club known as White’s. Lady Taffeta, the blonde beauty, was driving him mad with her pouty cherry lips, her bright gray eyes, and a body that promised sweet passion. Was she innocent or jade? Had she played with the lads when she was away at school? Was that why giving herself away came so easily? Why did it matter?

It mattered. If she were jade, it would be amusing to wrap her around his finger and make her his own. But, if she was innocent, he could not—would not—ruin her.

He sighed over the problem. She certainly did not like him, and yet she made the bargain, knowing full well what the payment would mean. Where was the innocent there? Also, she rode like a ma
