Page 16 of Taffeta & Hotspur

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Taffy’s excitement took over the room as she rushed to embrace her friend, and the two squealed with obvious affection for one another. It was a moment before Taffy remembered her manners and turned to her aunt to say, “Aunt Sissy, Lady Marble, this is my dear friend Catherine Frome.”

Taffy adored her friend and was proud of her. She was tall, graceful, and sedate, and Taffy often giggled about how opposite they were. She bounced, but Catherine glided. Even as she stood making introductions, she squeezed her friend’s hand and said, “Cathy, you can’t know how much I have missed you!”

Taffy often thought the two of them were like hot meeting cold and creating warm. After the introductions, Taffy pulled on her friend’s hand, led her to the sofa, and inquired, “Cath, what are you doing in London? I thought after your season last year, you had decided never again would you allow your family to launch another?”

Before her friend could answer, the butler appeared once again, and was amiably set aside as he tried to announce their names, and Seth and Nigel strode jovially into the room. Seth proclaimed, “There, there, Jarvis, no need to announce us—family you know.”

Jarvis inclined his head, “As you wish, your Grace.”

“Much you know…” said Nigel to his nephew in an aside, obviously continuing the discussion they had been engrossed in during their arrival.

“I am telling you, that ain’t the way to handle it,” answered the young duke. Taffy smiled as she saw him suddenly notice Cathy.

He put out his hand and went toward her, as a very genuine smile lit up his fair face. “Catherine … dear Catherine Frome.” He then surprised his sister by taking Miss Frome’s hand and placing a gallant kiss on her knuckles. “Lord…” he exclaimed as he came up from her hand, “you’ve quite grown up, and your eyes … such a blue—”

“You must forgive him his rare form.” Nigel interrupted, appropriating her hand from his nephew. “He hasn’t yet given up his lease of infancy.”

“Cath—ignore these fools,” cried Taffy on a laugh. She had never really seen Nigel and Seth make up to a woman. “Come on, Cath, take off your bonnet and be comfortable, for I don’t intend to let you leave till we have had a nice long visit.”

Catherine took off her pretty straw bonnet and placed it to one side of the sofa while Seth drew up a chair and kept her engaged in conversation. Taffy found she couldn’t fit in a word as Nigel seemed to vie for Catherine’s attention as well.

Taffy rolled her eyes and said, “Gentlemen, the lady is here to see me, not to be badgered by you two…”

Miss Frome laughed and patted Taffy’s hand, “Oh, it is so good to see you, and them as well. You three are always so lively!”

Jarvis looked weary as he appeared once more and announced, “Lord Thurston Tarrant.”

In spite of herself, Taffy felt a wave of anticipation. She knew she was dangerously attracted to the devil and meant to purge herself of this attraction somehow. She had to or own herself lost.

However, when he stood in the doorway, a giant of man, and his piercing dark gaze found hers, she felt herself neatly conquered and very nearly speechless. Perhaps, Taffeta, her inner voice whispered, ‘tis too late, and you are already lost to the rake?

Another voice could be heard behind Jarvis who had not yet left the arched doorway of the morning room. Taffy’s smile grew as everyone looked toward the sound to see who next would appear when Jarvis pronounced, “And Lord James Fenmore.”

Taffy glanced at her Aunt Sissy who whispered, “Both here…” This seemed to take her aunt’s breath away momentarily, and then she added. “At the same time—Fenmore … Tarrant … the two most sought after bachelors in London? Why this will be the talk of the haute ton for the entire season.”

Tarrant made his way directly to her aunt and bent perfunctorily over her hand, “Lady Marble, I am delighted to find you looking so well this morning, and after such a strenuous night.”

“It was perfect, wasn’t it, Tarrant?” she asked conspiratorially.

He winked, and it was obvious to Taffy he liked her aunt. “You know it was.” With this he moved on to bend over Taffy’s hand and audaciously kissed her wrist.

“You are a ravishing minx … even in the morning,” he whispered as his dark gaze swept over her.

She felt her cheeks burn. She had purposely donned a pretty, if somewhat low cut, yellow day gown that fit her well. Why? She had hoped he might stop by. Why? She didn’t want to think about why.

However, as she looked into his bright hungry eyes, she rather thought she knew … she was falling for the scoundrel. No … I must not. She would have to do something to get him out of her thoughts, but how could she? She had a debt to pay … where … when, she didn’t know, but it was hanging over her head. The idea of him taking her into his arms and making love to her both frightened and thrilled her in the same moment. She had to scold herself silently, he is a cad and a rake, a heartbreaker a… She said softly, “Thank you.”

James Fenmore pushed Tarrant aside as he took Taffeta’s fingers and bent over them. “Ravishing. How pleased I am to see you this morning…” He looked to Catherine, and Taffy quickly introduced them, noting his eyes lit up as Cathy’s lashes lowered.

She smiled and looked to Tarrant who had pulled up a chair to sit neatly at her knees.

“Your hair … loose and all about your shoulders … is very fetching…” Tarrant said.

She felt a fool and answered all she could think of, “Thank you.”.

“Do you braid it for bed or leave it … loose like this?” The look in his eyes teased her.

She looked around and noted everyone was involved in hearty conversation and not looking their way. She snapped a look at him. “I like it loose … and I sleep with only my covers to keep me warm…” she whispered. “Is that what you want to know?” Her eyes flirted outrageously. It was as though only she and Tarrant were in the room.
