Page 39 of Taffeta & Hotspur

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“Sunbeam… My sweet love…” Tarrant cooed as he took her up into his arms cradle styled, turned to Seth, and demanded, “Hail a hackney at once!”

Her brother did so at once leaving Nigel to care for her. Taffy saw him stop and watch, and knew from his expression he had come to some conclusion. She saw a slow smile curve his lips, but was in too much pain consider what he might be thinking.

Her brother had finally caught the attention of a hackney, and she thought she might faint as pain shot through her when Tarrant gently saw her situated in the carriage. He climbed in beside her and Seth and Nigel followed.

A few moments later, they were home, and the rakehell Hotspur placed her in a reclining position on the sofa where he solicitously looked after her.

At this point, she knew from the rolling eyes her brother and uncle were giving one another, she would be teased pitifully as soon as Tarrant departed.

“Be easy, my lord… It is naught…” Taffy assured the Hotspur as she tried to wipe off her brother’s wicked grin with a glare.

“I would feel better if you would let me tend the bruise…” he said, and it appeared to her that he was not at all put off by the fact both her brother and her uncle were privy to this.

Taffy stared at him, warning in her expression, and he laughed out loud, “Think I care for the proprieties when you have been injured?”

“But I am perfectly fine, I do assure you,” she replied, gritting her teeth for she could see her brother’s expression and knew as soon as Tarrant left, he and Nigel would quiz her relentlessly.

“I have been kicked a time or two, my dear, and know otherwise. You are very brave, and we shall leave it at that for now. I shall leave you to rest and hope you will be well enough to attend White’s soiree tonight where I will be looking for you—only you.”

She felt herself blush and met his gaze. It was as though no one else existed, as though life revolved around the moments they were together. When had this happened to her? She had always been so independent … and now, now she needed so much more than herself. “Must you leave?” she asked on a soft note.

“If you wish me to stay, I shall, but I have one errand that must be discharged … soon.”

“Then do go … take care of it, for it must be important. My brother and Nigel will look after me.” she said softly.

He kissed her hand. “It is of the utmost importance, nothing else could take me from you at this time.”

Tarrant stood up from the sofa, turned. Seth went forward to shake his hand and Nigel grinned idiotically as he extended his, all under Taffy’s gaze. She put a hand to her forehead.

“Gentlemen, I trust you to look after our precious treasure and shall see you this evening.” So saying, he strode out of the sitting room and was gone.

“I say!” said Nigel, staring hard at Taffy.

“Indeed, sister mine, you have some explaining to do!” Her brother grinned from ear to ear.

“Why, don’t you approve?”

“Approve?” relied Nigel. “Damn, if you aren’t close to bagging the catch of the century!”


The door was flung open, and Taffy exclaimed, “Cathy!”

Catherine stopped short and gasped. “Oh … what is wrong? You are hurt … how … oh no, this is awful… Whatever has happened—what?” she demanded coming forward to sit on the sofa with her, shrugging off her bonnet and gloves, and taking Taffy’s hand.

“It is nothing,” said Taffy, waving it off with her free hand. “Got kicked by a horse … my fault, wasn’t watching where I was going … startled the brute…”

“Oh Taffy … poor dear… Shall I take you upstairs and have a look at it?” Catherine frowned with concern.

“No, not now. It is bound to be black and blue. That is what bruises do; turn black and blue and then heal. There is nothing to be done. Now, why did you explode in here as though the devil was on your heels?”

“Yes, Cath, you did do that, you know,” Seth agreed with a nod.

Nigel inclined his head, and both men pulled up their chairs closer to the sofa. Something definitely was toward for Catherine’s excitement was almost a visible force.

She eyed them all and said, “You know the other night … when I stayed over here?”

“Yes,” said Taffy.
