Page 64 of Taffeta & Hotspur

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“Why? Why do you need this job?”

“The pay is more than I could presently make in the States. Economy not so good just now, and I’m working on my first novel.”

“I don’t have Internet set up in the gatehouse,” he said firmly.

“Ah, but I looked into getting satellite for TV and Internet—no problem. If you give me the job they’ll be out there tomorrow.”

“I doona like this,” he answered, moving another step closer.

She moved into him and looked long into his warm, gold eyes. “But you might change your mind.”

“I doona think so.”

“Give me a chance, and if it doesn’t work, well you can always fire me, boss,” she said and gave him a look that she hoped would blow his resolve away.

She put out her hand. “Deal? I need to hurry and get someone out to the house to install the dish, and I need to go shopping.”

* * *

He studied her for a long moment and realized he’d decided to give her the job the moment he realized that was what she wanted. He gave her his hand, and when their hands clasped he felt a bolt of lightning shoot through his arm and aim straight at his heart. He was in trouble. This one … this little American … did something to him she wasn’t supposed to be able to do. Only ‘the one’, his intended only one, the one he was meant to take as mate, should affect him the way this one affected him. He was momentarily off his game.

She smiled warmly and said, “Key?”

He went to a side table, retrieved it, and dropped it in her open palm. He didn’t want to touch her, was afraid to touch her, afraid that he would not be able to control himself, because at that moment all he could think of doing was tearing off her clothes, laying her down on the wood planking, and ramming into her …

What was wrong with him? He watched her sway as she walked to the door, and then she said over her shoulder, “If you need me … you know where I’ll be, but I don’t start till tomorrow. I have to get settled first.”

He watched from the side window as she got into her car and drove off. Then he leaned back against the wall and blew out air … What the hell?
