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“You were not feeling well yesterday…are you not better?” Heather asked worriedly.

“It is nothing. You know I took an early ride the other morning with Maurice. He wanted me to see a piece of land he means to purchase. I thought then it was the heat…but I have these insect bites, and so perhaps it is that?” She waved this off and said firmly, “We must speak plainly, you and moi.”

“Right then,” Heather said, bracing herself.

“Then do not be angry when I tell you this. In many things you are a reasonable woman and thus, I am puzzled. You have told me everything, and now after you hear me, you may regret your honesty. But I must speak. How, chérie, how can you destroy my brother so when he loves you to distraction?”

Heather folded her hands in her lap. “I did not encourage him to love me. Quite the opposite, Louise. You know that. He knows that. From the start, I told him Godwin was the father of my child and that I had to find a way back to him…to England.”

“You love this Godwin…oui, so think of him and the danger you put him in if you return. The threat from the wicked Sara will still be there…and the threat to your child. Think of that!”

Heather had considered that over and over. She had convinced herself that she and Godwin would handle Sara together. Also, as despicable as Sara may be, Heather could not believe that Sara would harm her baby. “No…nooo…”

“Oui, I tell you. This Godwin will not allow his child to be a bastard. He will name him legally as his own. The poor Roderick will take second place…it is natural. Sara will not like that. Do you see? What then of your child’s safety?”

Heather buried her face in her hands. “Oh no…Godwin will protect our child.”

“At what cost, my dear Heather, at what cost?” She shook her head. “You are both stubborn and blind. You do not look to the future. Scandal will follow your baby through life. It is not necessary. Maurice loves you. You have great feelings for him, and in time, you will love him. I believe that.”


“Heather, you are being a fool. Ah, mon dieu. Be a fool if you must, but not when it involves the baby. You care so much for my brother. I have watched you together. He makes you happy. He even makes you forget.”

“No, he does not. Yes, I love him, but no, I am not in love with him. My child has a right to know its father.”

Louise clapped her hands together in her agitation. “I don’t feel quite up to this…” She loved Heather and adored her brother. “How do I make you see?”

Heather was on her feet and bending over Louise. “You don’t look well,


“Oui…perhaps I should go inside,” she said, and stood.

Heather put an arm around her friend to steady her, but all at once, and without warning, Louise made a little sound and collapsed. Heather could not hold her up but eased her friend’s fall to the ground.

“Louise, darling?” Heather cried.

“Ah, what have I done…my gown.” Louise said, and moved her head from side to side.

Heather felt Louise’s forehead. “Oh no…you are on fire!”

Bunky, who had been given a job at the stables, was, at that moment, walking out two horses towards the pasture. Heather saw him and waved as she called, “Bunky…hurry!”

He handed off the horses to a black groom and started to run towards them. Another servant, a huge black man, saw him running towards the women and joined him.

“Aye then…what, what is wrong with her ladyship?” Bunky asked as he leaned over her.

“Roan,” Heather said to the large black man, “will you lift her and bring her into the house? Bunky, please find out where he is and fetch the doctor, do.”

“Aye, as it happens, he isn’t far. Heard tell he is at the plantation that borders ours. Right then, I’m off,” Bunky said, and left them straightaway.

“As much as I wish to help her ladyship, who is kindness itself, I…we…we may not touch a white woman,” Roan responded.

“Nonsense, we have to get her inside.” Heather had learned about all the annoying and stupid rules about blacks and whites, and once again thought that if she stayed, she would work to abolish such stupidity and free the slaves. How could people be so savage in their notions? She couldn’t understand it.

“Right then,” Roan said bravely. “I will do as you ask, but know if another white man, one other than my master, should see me carrying a white woman, I would be brought up on charges.”

“Not if you are following my request, hurry, Roan. We must see to her,” Heather answered.
