Page 43 of Serena

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He found it, that sensitive clit, and he worked it until she cried out with exuberance. She had never before had such pleasure, never before experienced that peak, that climax her friends had told her about.

He groaned out her name as he got into position and mounted her. Yes, yes, she wanted more, she thought, more of the same. He lifted her rump and entered her slowly. She felt his shaft make a tentative entrance, and her body bucked for more of him. He groaned out her name, and suddenly he drove himself hard and fast into her wet and clinging portal.

He ripped through her and a little cry of pain escaped her throat, but it was over quickly and he soothed her with words of admiration. In her ear, he whispered, “Ah sweet maiden, would that I were sorry, but I am not. I am thrilled to be your first …”

She was thrilled that he was her first and wanted him to be her last. She wanted him to demand to be her last.

She clung to him with all her might. She couldn’t believe what was happening to her body as something grew and grew and peaked once more. He moved inside her with hard, pumping motions, and once again she felt an explosion deep inside her womb that made her entire body tremble, this time even more than the first time. She shuddered from the impact. Her body twitched and jerked with pleasure as it was released all through her. She said his name over and over, “Daniel … oh Daniel … Daniel …”

He paused as he looked down at her. “You beauty, you. Sweet, sweet love,” he murmured as he began shoving himself hard and fast into her. “I want to stay inside of you and never leave. I want you, Serena …”

His pumping action was like a siren’s song and mesmerized her body to respond to his every move in like form. She matched his movements, arched to him, bucked with him, and was thrilled at the words of praise he whispered in her ear.

All at once, she felt herself clench around his rod so tightly inside her. Serena felt the heat build up in her, and again that riveting, all-consuming pleasure was released in her body, making her jerk into him as she gasped over and over again.

The release he made her experience over and over again was like nothing she had ever experienced before.

Even as she still shivered with pleasure, she felt his body tense. He called out her name, groaning with wild abandon as he reached his climax, and she felt his hot seed explode inside her.

He held her so tightly that for a moment she felt they were breathing as one being. He relaxed and withdrew from her, but even as he rolled onto his back, he pulled her close and held her. He reached and took up the cloak and covered her as he kissed her forehead, took up her hand, and kissed her fingers gently to whisper her name, “Ah Serena, Serena, my own sweet-life.”

She cuddled into his chin, and he squeezed her hard for a moment before sighing sadly. He said, “I want to get you dressed … quickly, and away from here. I should not have exposed you out here in the open.” He shook his head. “I feel the cad to have done this here … like this. I don’t know what came over me.”

“It takes two,” she said softly.

He touched her face. “You beauty, you.” He was on his feet, but he pulled her into his arms and kissed her long and sweetly. “Come, we must get dressed and away.”

She agreed. Suddenly she felt the cold breeze touch her hot skin, so she rushed to get her clothes back on. As she pulled on her shirt she felt oddly shy and rushed about, avoiding his eye though she knew he was looking at her.

He waited for her to pull on her boots before he pulled her into his arms. “Serena … I, I …” He sighed and said softly, “must get you safely home.”

She couldn’t meet his eye and felt absurd. Where was the self-assured woman she was proud she had become? She felt like a school girl hoping to win favor.

She had done just what she wanted. He had not seduced her, for she had wanted him as much as he had wanted her. The difference was, she was in love, and he, well she wasn’t sure what he was—probably in lust, only in lust.

“Up with you, beauty,” he said after leading her to her horse.

Had that been affection in his tone or the sound a man made after he had lusted with a woman? She couldn’t tell, for she had no experience in the matter, but she could hope.

She knew what she felt was unconditional love, thorough and quite devastating, for she knew that life without him, should he leave, would be a horror.

She wasn’t sure that he loved her, or that she could make him love her, and the notion that if he didn’t he would leave her behind was more worrisome than she had anticipated.

She had thought that her life experiences, her age of three and twenty, had prepared her for this moment, but had it?

She allowed him to give her a leg up and waited for him to mount his horse, wondering what was next. What did one do when one had thrown away one’s maidenhood to a man who had not declared himself? Not his fault. He had not seduced a young girl. She was a woman and had known the consequences, she told herself. She had gone willingly into his arms.

He said, “I will see you home.”

She smiled. “That isn’t necessary.”

“Oh, but it is,” he said and reached over to stroke her cheek.

They rode at a trot, beside one another, and as she was deep in thought, she did not feel awkward about the silence between them.

As they rode side by side he said softly, “Serena, I …”

