Page 50 of Serena

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She peeped at him and said, “Ah, but you see, Warren was quite right about me, and I fear I shall shock you when you see for yourself just how much I can eat.”

He laughed and said as he bent to whisper in her ear, “I want to see to all your needs, always.”

She felt a sharp intake of breath and chided herself as she tried not to look into his eyes and then did just that. “Outrageous—you know that you are quite outrageous.”

“Do I offend? For I tell you truly, that is never my wish. Quite the opposite, Serena, quite the opposite.”

What was he doing? He was driving her mad—giving her false hopes. She looked away and studied the counter full of three-tiered plates of fresh baked pastries—many of which were her favorites.

“Oohh,” she said, diverting his attention as she stared at the delectables, “Decisions must be made.”

He laughed out loud and tweaked her nose. “Precious woman … order anything you like.”

With childlike bliss, that was just what she did. They were seated as directed by his lordship in a quiet corner. He placed an order with the mature woman who came to greet them, and it wasn’t long after that they found coffee for both and a plateful of little cakes and tarts placed in front of her, while his lordship had only a scone and jam.

“Now tell me, Serena, what have I said or done that has upset you, for you must know I can feel your reserve towards me.” He eyed her, and she stared at her cake. “Shall I have myself flogged and beg your forgiveness?”

She felt the heat rush to her cheeks and stuffed her mouth with a small iced cake, and then as soon as this was swallowed she stuffed her mouth with an apple tart. She didn’t want to talk.

He laughed and shook his head. “Eat them down whole like that, my beauty, and you will get fat.”

She swallowed, took a gulp of her coffee, and said, “Indeed. That was most unkind, and I think you should order yourself to b

e flogged immediately.”

He laughed. “Ah Serena …”

She eyed him wonderingly, and because his gaze was so intense, to divert him she hurriedly asked, “Where is Sir Jasper today? What more has been done about this awful business?”

“As it happens, Sir Jasper left for London yesterday,” he said on a low note.

“And Freddy is safe …?” she asked tentatively.

“Indeed, although I am certain quite chagrined to find you not at home.” He grinned.

“And that pleases you?”

“It does. He needs to get back to school,” he said in no uncertain terms. “Although I have arranged for him to be guarded, it is still dangerous for him to be here.”

“Yes, he does need to get back to school,” she agreed.

He eyed her thoughtfully and took her hand, stalling her from putting her coffee cup back to her lips. Her gaze met with his, and a spark sizzled through her blood. Looking into his eyes filled her with wonder because she was sure she saw something in their depths that spoke to her. Could she be so wrong?

“Tell me, my lord …” she started, wondering all the while if he was thinking of her in his arms. Why could she not get the image out of her mind? How could she sit so coolly with him as though they had not made passionate love only a short while ago? She wished she could read his thoughts.

“Danny or Daniel, whichever you prefer,” he interjected. “I have been wanting to hear my name on your lips since I heard it so sweetly the other day.”

Were her cheeks on fire? They felt as though they were being singed by cruel flames. She managed to compose herself and bravely said, “Danny then, answer me this, if some dreadful woman had not broken your heart, would you feel differently about love and all that goes with it?”

“No,” he answered sharply.

“Then you think it all a hum?”

“Love? Yes, except for the lucky few. I have a friend who married some years ago, and he is blissfully happy, so I must concede that love does exist for some.”

“But not for you?” She felt her heart begin to split in two all over again. She heard the sound of it breaking filling her ears.

He looked at her then and answered, “Love, as I said, exists for the lucky few. When I look at you … but tell me, do you believe in true love?”
