Page 58 of Serena

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“It fair gives one the jitters to be thinking about poking about in a tomb,” Freddy remarked.

“Don’t be a noddy.” Serena giggled and realized she was on the verge of hysterics. She was more, much more frightened about this undertaking than she had at first realized. “’A crypt may look foreboding, but there is nothing there that can hurt us.”

“Unless of course you believe in ghosts …” he added, grinning wickedly.

“Freddy, if you had more schooling you would know that a crypt is an underground gravesite and that is the significance in all of this.” She meant to bring home the fact once more that he needed to return to school.

She had succeeded only in getting his back up. Looking as though his youthful ego had been wounded, he put up his chin, “I don’t see that it signifies … let’s just do this.”

They weaved their way through the woods and entered the churchyard’s far corner, where Serena led him directly to the building in question.

They stood for a moment, looking at the concrete façade and then at one another. There were no windows in the structure, but one large, dark oak, rusted wrought-iron trimmed door. It was bolted with a latch and chain. Over the door, chiseled into the stone, was the name Tregaron.

Freddy put a hand to his heart and said, “Serena … perhaps we need to bring in m’uncle. A knowing fellow, Uncle Danny … for I tell you what, why would anyone bolt a grave?”

“Precisely. Did you bring the tools?”

“Yes, though how did you know we would need them?” he said, handing her the satchel he had been carrying. “Now stand back …” he added portentously as he began to work at breaking the chain.

Each time the hammer and chisel met with the chain’s links, it made a loud sound and Serena winced. They were far enough from the rectory that no one should hear, and yet, some inner demon was worrying her.

Had she done the right thing? Eustace would never have allowed her to tamper with the tomb. His lordship would have wanted her well away and safe, and she would not have been a part of this most exciting adventure. She was, of course, being irresponsible, and for a young woman who prided herself on her good sense and responsible nature, it was very odd of her. She had been behaving very unlike herself from the moment Lord Daniel Pendleton had entered her life. At any rate, she couldn’t think about that now.

Finally to Serena’s relief the chain gave way, and in some furor Freddy yanked it away from the latch, pulled back the bolt, and opened the door wide.

He turned to Serena, and the two held hands for a moment before entering the dark tomb. “Keep the door open for whatever light we can get … and why didn’t I think to bring a lantern?”

“Never mind, look … one there on the wall,” he said and went forward to take it up and grin. “You know, Serena, I rather think I was born for adventure,” he added as he struck flint against steel, producing a flame. He got the lantern lit and said, “I came prepared in the event that we would need to use a torch or a lantern.” He held the lantern high, and they stared at the cold stone chamber. Its floor was covered in dust, and they could clearly see footprints throughout.

“Brilliant, Freddy,” Serena said and patted his arm, smiling to herself to see him preen. She then took a quick survey of the walls and asked, “I don’t think our tunnel door is in the walls—what say you?”

“I quite agree … and look here, Serena,” he said with gleeful enthusiasm.

“Yes … of course, the flooring is made of slatted wood,” she said, also excited.

He frowned. “I wonder though, why do those prints lead to that coffin?”

“Oh Freddy … of course … look, a hole—a hole in the floor!”

“A metal pull must fit into it,” Freddy said almost on a shout. He was obviously bursting with enthusiasm.

“Indeed, and I think it is kept in the coffin,” Serena said thoughtfully. “Come on, Freddy, we must check the coffin.”

“Certes, Serena. Check the coffin—what do you mean, check the coffin?” Freddy appeared horrified.

She couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Under it, around it …” She was already sliding her kid-gloved hand along the side of the coffin, but Freddy called her attention away.

“Serena, Serena …” He held up a metal pull for her inspection.

“Freddy, you are a wonder!” She almost clapped her hands. “See if it fits the hole.”

He did just that and it stuck as he turned it around. He looked at her for a long moment and then pulled upward.

With a creak, a square portion of the flooring no more than two feet by two feet came up.

Serena put a hand to her chest. Should they go for help now? No, they first had to ascertain that here was the hiding place for the gold. She took the lantern from him and thrust it into the opening to display a stone stairway cut into the earth. It seemed to lead into a yawning cavity. She turned to Freddy and exclaimed, “Faith.”

“This is beyond all things famous!” Freddy proclaimed in high spirits. “And to think m’mother wanted me up at school.”
