Page 69 of Serena

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Davis hung his head, the squire’s valet looked the other way, and the squire said, “You have all been covering for her, all these years, and now see what comes of it!” He was pointing towards the tree in her bedroom.

Davis cleared his throat and dared to say, “As it happens … ’tis a good thing … for if she had been sitting in her chair where she sometimes reads into the night … well, Miss Serena could have been hurt.”

The squire glared at him. “Right then, there is nothing we can do at the moment, is there? I shall need a fire set for me in the library, where I mean to await our lady’s return, and by God, I shall have some answers!”

“Yes, Squire.” Davis bent his elderly head and sent a sideways glance at the valet, who said, “I shall come and help you …”

The squire looked at the damaged room, the empty bed, and thought, Serena, what are you up to now? A slight smile curved his lips, for he adored her. Still, even though he knew who she was at bottom, this late-night disappearance had him worried.

He hoped it was not a romantic assignation, because he had come to notice that his dear niece had eyes for only one man, Lord Daniel Pendleton. He had also noted the way his lordship looked at Serena. Something definitely was in the air.

Would she meet the blasted fellow in the dead of night? Would his lordship ask her to steal away in the dead of night? No, it was something else, and he was terribly concerned because of this business with the gold shipment. She was far too interested in the matter. What to do now?

What could

he do now? He would wait until she returned. She had to return safe and sound. She simply had to, for the thought of any other possibility took the breath from his lungs!

* * *

Guns were pointed with deadly intent as Serena calmly said, “You may want to think this out, gentlemen.”

“Your flash covey won’t kill the reverend,” Joe Reed said.

“Perhaps not, but he would most definitely shoot him, which might allow the reverend to shoot you or your friend over there. That’s right, then what? Oh, I know, then he turns to shoot Freddy, but you see, I will have had the opportunity to take your gun because you are dead and I am quick, and I have no qualms about killing him dead, no, I don’t. So, what say you to all of that?”

Eustace saw his chance.

Joe Reed and Mack were looking at Serena and Freddy. He got off a shot. It was quick but accurate, and he got Mack squarely in the chest. Mack cried out and went down in his corner.

Freddy took his opportunity and shot Joe Reed, who let out a howl of pain. As Joe went down his gun went off and hit the lantern, causing it to burst into flames.

Serena saw Eustace make a wild dash out of the crypt and said, “Freddy, he is getting away!”

“No, he isn’t!” Freddy said and gave chase with Serena at his back.

They lost sight of him in the dark of the woods, and they stopped to look at one another. “Where would he go?” Freddy asked.

“I would guess he will need to make his escape. He will need money, clothes, and a horse. He has backtracked and gone to the rectory!”

“Right … Serena, but I want you out of this now. Go and get help, and I will—”

“No, it will be too late. Come on. I have a plan.”

“What?” They were already rushing through the trees, but instead of going up to the house, Serena led him to the stables.

“What are you doing?” Freddy hissed.

“He can’t go on foot … can he? So …” She smiled widely.

“Certes! Bright girl,” Freddy returned.

A few moments later they had put halters and lead lines on both the carriage horses and Eustace’s riding horse, and led them as quickly as they could out of the barn. Their goal was to get to their horses as fast as they could, but they hadn’t gotten far when a hard, angry voice warned, “Stop right there!”

* * *

Billy and his lads hadn’t run far when Billy stopped and said, “Right then, I think something is towards, don’t ye?”

“Aye, but Billy, it has naught to do with us,” Al said.
