Page 71 of Serena

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She couldn’t answer in words so she got on her tip toes and kissed his lips, her own trembling and her heart soaring.

Freddy watched them with astonishment, and then a slow smile curved his lips. As though suddenly remembering him and their surroundings, his lordship and Serena turned and looked at him, and Freddy told them, “Zounds! You see, I knew she belonged in our family, didn’t I?”

A shaky laugh resulted, but as his lordship turned and made a decision about what next must be done, Billy and his lads arrived on the scene.

“Coo,” Billy said admiringly. “So, you have this all wrapped up nice and tight, don’t ye, guv?”

“Do I?” his lordship said. “I don’t have a notion what you are doing here, but I am happy for it. I would like you and your boys to see Miss Serena safely home while my nephew and I collect this scoundrel and deliver him to the authorities. Can you do that?”

“Can Oi?” he asked, well pleased. “Whot say ye, lads? Can we do that?”

The boys all mumbled that this was great sport and that, yes, they could do just that.

Serena however, objected. ?

??I want to go with you and Freddy.”

“I am sure you do, but I want you well out of this.” He grinned at her. “After all, I can’t very well take you into town with you dressed like that, now can I?” he teased.

She smiled shyly and bantered back, “Then I am dismissed?”

“Never will you be dismissed, my love. I have been a fool, but no more. Is that understood or shall I say it again?”

“Yes, you shall say it again and again,” she answered softly.

“Agreed. Now I want you out of this weather, my girl, and safely home. I shall see you tomorrow when I call on you and your uncle,” he returned quietly.

Freddy watched and shook his head. “Lovesick puppies!” he said and laughed out loud.

~ Epilogue ~

HIS LORDSHIP STOOD tall and handsome at the altar. How had she been so lucky as to win his heart? His smile as she walked towards him was so full of love that she wanted to cry.

Had only a month gone by?

How had things turned out so well? She had almost given up hope that she would ever win Daniel Pendleton’s love.

What a month. So much had happened since that blood-thirsty night.

Afterwards his lordship told her that he and Freddy had loaded Eustace’s unconscious body into the wagon, during which Freddy rang a lecture over the wicked man’s head.

The bodies of Joe Reed and Mack were recovered with the gold the next morning, and his lordship decided to try and give Tuthill as much credit for it as was possible, to keep both Freddy and Serena’s names out of the affair.

She had been escorted home by Billy with his friends in tow. Two of the lads had taken one of Eustace’s carriage horses, while Al and Billy took the other two. All the lads rode bareback.

Billy had eyed her with a smirk and a laugh and said, “Just can’t stay out of trouble, can ye, Lady Sunshine?”

“Apparently not,” she had answered. She had laughed as they took their job so seriously and returned her to Moorely. She had insisted they go inside and was surprised to find Davis, his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at her.

He advised her that her uncle awaited her in the library, and she gave the boys to his care, asking him to kindly see them all fed.

She had gone to her uncle immediately and begged his forgiveness. He was so relieved that she had returned to him safely, although he saw the bruise on her cheek and muttered quite a few unintelligible sentences when she finally explained how it got there.

He was proud of her in spite of his wagging finger and the lecture that ensued.

His lordship, as he had promised he would, came to her the next morning and immediately took her uncle aside before he returned to her and told her that he would not live another day without her in it.

Her Daniel went down on one knee and begged her to forgive and marry him. She pulled him up and threw herself into her arms. They laughed and kissed and laughed and kissed some more.
