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“Was that really necessary?” Magenta snapped at Kirsty.

Kirsty stood with her hands on her hips, her green eyes blazing. “Was it necessary to trash my shop because you have anger management issues?”

Harry looked around at the sodden underwear that littered the floor. Kirsty had a point.

“She started it,” Magenta complained.

“What are you? Five?” Kirsty looked like she was going to restart the fight herself. “Get this place fixed. I want it perfect.” She turned to Harry, who held up his hands in surrender. “You too. This is your mess. I’m surrounded by juvenile idiots who hit first and think later.” She spun on Lake and Matt. “You two are no better. You could have stopped this before the damage got this bad.” She pointed at Lake. “Consider your sex life on hold for the foreseeable future.”

“Kirsty, love…” Lake’s face paled with worry.

“Don’t ‘Kirsty, love’ me, Lake Benson. You wanted to watch the show. Well, now you can pay for it too.”

Kirsty held her head high as she stomped to the back of the shop and the stairs to her apartment. Everyone watched her leave, then, as one, the three men folded their arms and turned to the two soaking women.

“Now I’m annoyed,” Lake said as he watched her go.

“Assault, criminal damage, vandalism,” Matt said. “Those are only the charges I can think of off the top of my head. I could add public nudity, seeing as you’ve both been flashing your wares for the past twenty minutes. If I could charge you with stupidity, I would.” He shook his head. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t haul the two of you back to my jail?”

“Because we’re sorry?” Rachel said hopefully.

Matt gaze was cold. “Are you?”

“I am.” Rachel sounded firm. It would have held more authority if she’d had on both shoes and wasn’t soaking wet.

“Magenta?” Matt cocked an eyebrow at her where she still sat in a puddle on the floor.

She looked defiant. “I’m not sorry. I’d kick her skinny backside again in a heartbeat. She’s a cold-hearted, manipulative witch.”

Matt pinched the bridge of his nose. “Lake, what do you want? Do you want to press charges, seeing as you co-own the shop?”

The Englishman studied the women. “It’s tempting. These two have kicked me out of Kirsty’s bed.”

“Technically you did that all by yourself,” Magenta pointed out. “If you weren’t such a big pervert you’d still be in her bed.”

Lake made a little growling sound, although his face showed no emotion. “I want this place cleaned. Pristine. I want the damage paid for.” He turned to Harry. “Sort this. I have more important things to deal with.” He turned on his heels and stalked from the shop, heading to the apartment he shared with Kirsty.

“You heard the man,” Matt said. “Looks like you get off with a warning. This time.” He glared at Magenta. “It’s time you grew up. You’re an adult. You and those twit sisters of mine need to start acting like grown-ups. No more kids’ pranks. No more sorting your problems with your fists. No more hiding from people instead of dealing with things. I’ve had enough of this. Am I making myself clear?”

Magenta gave a reluctant nod.

Matt turned to Rachel. “Stop playing people. Or I will run you out of town. Got it?”

Rachel nodded as her cheeks flushed red.

“On that note”—Matt adjusted his police hat—“I’m out of here. Harry, you’re in charge. Make sure there isn’t any more trouble.” He strode to the door, but turned as he opened it. “Ladies, thanks for the show. It made my day.” With a cheeky grin, he disappeared.

Slowly, the two women turned their gazes to Harry.


“Right,” Harry said, “who’s going to explain first?”

Magenta stared at her shoes. It wasn’t going to be her. No way. The last thing she needed was the embarrassment of telling Harry she’d lost it because Rachel called her dumb. She was dumb. Rachel wasn’t wrong. Still, it hurt that Harry had run straight to his friend and told her all about how stupid Magenta was. So no. She wasn’t going to talk. Probably never again.

She peeked at Rachel. From the look on her face, she wasn’t going to talk either. Guess Harry was out of luck.

His jaw clenched as he frowned at them. His shoulders flexed, making Magenta’s mouth inappropriately water. She rolled her eyes at herself. Apparently her body was programmed to react to Harry no matter the circumstances. Harry growled. That was kind of sexy too. Magenta wanted to smack herself on the forehead.
