Page 100 of Action

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“Oh, I have a plan,” Derek said. “I had planned to come over here and make you deliver on all the sexual promises you made.”

Davina’s stomach knotted. She felt light-headed; it took all of her acting skills to hold it together.

“And now?” she said calmly. “I’m assuming the plan has changed now that Jack is here.”

Derek glared at Jack.

“Now, I let him watch,” he said as though he was talking about the weather.

Davina actually began to see spots before her eyes. She worked at taking several long deep breaths.

“Interesting,” she told Derek. “I’m not sure I like your plan.”

Derek laughed.

“There’s nothing you can do about it.”

She’d see about that.

“As soon as I find this damn tape, we’ll get started,” Derek said.

It sounded as though he was planning to shoot a scene from her movie. The man was completely demented.

“You lay one finger on her and you’re a dead man,” Jack said calmly.

Davina appreciated the sentiment, but it lacked bite seeing as he was tied to a chair. Derek was clearly amused by Jack’s threat.

“I’d shut up if I were you. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with you yet. It’d be a good idea not to attract attention.”

Fury emanated from Jack. Derek smiled before turning to Davina.

“As for you,” Derek said smugly, “it’s time we stopped dancing around this attraction. You’ve been a tease far too long, Davina. You’ve forgotten how to take things to the next level. We have something, you and I. There is something special between us.”

Yes. The wide, wide chasm of insanity.

“And Jack? My boyfriend?” She almost stuttered over the word boyfriend.

Derek shrugged.

“Obviously he means nothing to you. Look how upset you are that he’s tied up. Not at all. No. You need a real man in your life.”

For a second Davina didn’t know what to say. She blinked several times, hoping a plan of action would present itself. Her mind was blank. The only thing she could think to do was stall for time. She went into Marianne mode.

“How about a cup of tea?” Davina said as she reached for the kettle.

Derek scowled.

“I’m not playing games here,” he told her. “I came over here for a reason. I won’t be swayed.”

Suddenly those muscles that Derek flashed around the studio for show were a little more threatening.

“I know that, darling.” She treated him to a high wattage smile. “But I’ve been shopping all morning and I’m parched.”

She smiled at Jack and hoped it reassured him. She saw the vein in the base of his neck throb as he held her eyes for a moment. Her heart pounded so loud she was worried Derek could hear it. Derek looked away and Davina blew Jack a kiss. His eyes went wide before he shook his head slightly.

“Buy anything interesting?” Jack said.

She knew from the intense way he held her eyes with his that he was trying to reassure her. Every inch of her being wanted to touch him in that moment.
