Page 5 of Action

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“Are you okay?”

She was barely inches from him. Close enough to see the scar that wound round his chin and down to his neck. Close enough to see how wide his pupils were and how flushed his cheeks had become. Close enough to feel his breath on her skin as he spoke.

“You need to get the phone fast,” he said through clenched teeth, “or I won’t be responsible for my behaviour. You’re driving me a little nuts here.”

She moved back slightly to look at him. She was driving him a little nuts? Her eyes widened. He arched an eyebrow at her.

“It’s never been my fantasy to be tied up by a beautiful woman, but it’s growing on me.” His voice was like gravel underfoot.

“Oh,” was all Davina could think to say.

“Don’t let all that power go to your head,” he said. “Now, get the phone so we can call my friend.”

Power? Davina sat back on her heels without the phone.

“Hey, what are you doing? Get the phone.”

She’d lost her mind. She knew it. In the back of her head little alarm bells tinkled. She knew the signs. She was about to get into trouble again. It was the same feeling she’d gotten her whole life, right before she did something else to embarrass her family. And, as she’d done her whole life, she ignored the bells. Power, he’d said. Power? Her blood was thumping loudly in her ears. Her senses were on high alert. Her skin tingled. She felt sexy. A slow and wicked smile curled her lips. She felt powerful. She looked down at the gorilla. Now that was interesting. She ran her eyes slowly down the length of him. Six foot of muscle and bad boy attitude – but she was in charge.

“Hey, you’re scaring me,” he said. “Why are you smiling like that?”

Really, when would she ever be in a situation like this again? And it wasn’t like he was a reprobate – the man used to be with the police. If that didn’t make him trustworthy then she didn’t know what did. It was a completely unique situation. Actually, it was more like a gift. A chance to be in control. For once. Usually she was the one who felt vulnerable. Not this time. What little common sense she had left disappeared. Suddenly she was giddy with power. She slowly licked her lips as she looked down at Jack. Yep, she was giddy with power and lust.

“What are you thinking?” He looked worried.

“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” She leaned over him again. “Just getting the phone.”

“You’re scaring me here. You aren’t going to do anything to the crown jewels are you?”

She rolled her eyes as she grabbed hold of the phone. Slowly, she slid the phone out of his pocket as she looked him in the eye. She felt more courageous than she had in her life. No, she felt brazen.

There was a moment where electricity zapped between them like lightning. Davina found it hard to breath.

“Andy Harper.” Jack’s eyes seemed to have her transfixed. “Don’t call the home number, call the department number.”

Davina tore her gaze away. She flicked open the phone, scrolled through the contact list and dialled.

“Brighton Police, how can I direct your call?” a voice said.

“Andy Harper, please.”

There was a pause. She could see Jack’s pulse beat along his jaw line. Davina had an overwhelming urge to lick the skin where it beat.

“Detective Harper here,” the voice in her ear said.

“Hello, this is Davina Davenport. A man tried to break into my home and he says he’s a friend of yours.”

“Give me that phone,” Jack ordered.

“He also said that he owns the house,” Davina said. “Is this true?”

“What is that idiot doing now?” Andy said. “Are you in Millie’s old place?”

“Yep,” Davina said, as her heart sank.

“Did he just try and barge in? I told him that was a mistake. Let me talk to Jack.”

“Okay,” Davina said slowly, her eyes on Jack. “But there are a couple of things I need to tell you first. I thought he was breaking in so I knocked him out and tied him up and now I don’t want to free him without a witness.”
