Page 7 of Action

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He gulped.

“On me?”

Her eyes roamed from his deep set eyes, to his wide jaw to his even wider shoulders. A low guttural sigh escaped her.

“Yes, please,” she said, before leaning in to kiss him.

As soon as her lips touched his, she was certain that this was the craziest, and the sexiest, thing she had ever done.

The top blew off Jack’s head. Literally. He knew because he couldn’t feel the throbbing pain in it anymore. There was no way he should let his crazy tenant kiss him, but then there was no way he could stop her.

His gut twisted inside as her lips hit his. She smelled of cinnamon and lemon. She tasted of vanilla and chocolate cake. It was like falling, head first, into a bakery. His senses were in overdrive. And that body of hers! She wriggled against him, driving him crazy, making him strain against the scarves, desperate to get his hands on her. Frustration made his blood boil over, so he concentrated all of his efforts on the kiss.

She slipped away from his mouth to whisper in his ear.

“I know this is stupid,” she said before she bit his earlobe. “But you’re like a Christmas present, waiting to be unwrapped.”

This was a scene from a movie. A really, really good movie. One you get on pay-per-view.

Her tongue worked slowly round his ear. From the sound of her breathing she was as far gone as he was.

“I like feeling powerful. What do you think, Jack? Do you like it?”

She bit him again, he groaned. He felt her grin against his cheek.

“Are you wondering what I’m going to do? How far I’ll go?” She kissed his neck under his ear. “Is it driving you crazy?”

She bit the muscle in his shoulder, and he clenched his teeth as his jeans became painfully tight. He arched up towards her and was unreasonably proud when he heard her gasp.

“I’ve never done anything like this before,” she said as she sat up.

“I believe you,” he said solemnly, because he didn’t know what he was supposed to say. That seemed to appease her.

She slipped her hands under the hem of his T-shirt and ran them up his chest. Her fingers wide, curving over his muscles. He couldn’t see the colour of her eyes now, they were black with wanting him.

“Hairy,” she murmured.

“Manly,” he corrected.

“I like.” She smiled slightly as she leaned in towards him.

Her kiss was deeper, more urgent than the last one. She gripped his chest, her long nails digging into him as she shifted in his lap to get closer. He wanted to roar. He needed to break free of his bonds. In his mind he’d ripped the ties off, flipped her onto her back and was ten seconds away from getting that dress off her.

“This is seriously sexy, don’t you think?”

“Yeah,” he mumbled against her lips.

Although the rational part of his brain also told him that it was off the charts insane.

“If I was really courageous, I would do a lot more than kiss you,” she said.

“Go ahead.” Please, go ahead.

“Your friend is coming.”

“I’m hoping he isn’t the only one.”

That made her smile against his mouth. Then she started the kisses all over again.
